What do you have in your flock?

We have~

7 Salmon Faverolle hens
4 Golden Cuckoo Marans hens
1 Golden Cuckoo Marans rooster
4 Appenzellar Spitzhaubens hens
1 Appenzellar Spitzhauben rooster
4 Speckled Sussexes
6 Light Brahma hens
1 Light Brahma rooster
6 Silver Laced Wyandotte's hens
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte rooster
1 White Leghorn hen
1 Barred Rock
2 Black Australorps
3 Buff Orpingtons
2 Easter Eggers

All girls.

Hopefully I can eventually add some Speckled Sussex, Wyandottes, and some different color Orpingtons
We have:
1 Black Sex Link
2 Red Sex Links
1 Black Australorp
7 White Leghorns
2 Buff Orpingtons
3 Barred Rocks
1 Columbian Wyandotte
3 Blue English Orpingtons
2 Silver Laced Wyandottes
1 Golden Laced Wyandotte
2 Welsummers
2 Blue Marans
1 Black Marans
3 Lavender Ameraucanas
4 Blue Ameraucanas
1 Black Ameraucana
6 Mixed Breed Chickens ??? LOL we have no clue
1 Turkey
And I hope I did not forget anyone.
Started last spring with:
Speckled Sussex (which turned out to be a roo)
Black Austrolorp
Buff Orpington
Barred Rock
Buff Turken
In February I intended to add about half dozen new pullets, but quickly found out what 'chicken math' is. So now I also have:
3 Americaunas
GLR Wyandotte
BLR Wyandotte
S Sussex
2 Austra-Whites
Buff Rock
and my worst impulse buys were:
Rouen duckling
Frizzle Bantam
And I've got 2 New Hampshires that i will pick up this week...
And 9 Red Rangers...
And 8 Red Laced Cornish on the way in April
Updating with my latest counts! ALL THE BANTAMS:

Silkies: 6
1 White bearded roo
1 White beardless roo
1 White bearded hen
1 Buff bearded hen
1 Blue bearded hen
1 Splash bearded hen

Mixes: 1
(silkie x cochin) roo

Bantam Cochins: 15
1 Black roo
2 Partridge roos
1 Silver laced roo
1 Buff roo
1 Black hen
2 Black frizzled hens
1 White hen
1 Red hen (possible bantam RIR cross, but not sure)
1 Self-blue chick
1 Silver pencilled chick
1 White chick
1 Mottled chick
1 Gold laced chick

D'Uccles: 6
1 Mille fleur chick
1 Blue mille fleur chick
2 Porcelain chicks
2 Golden neck chicks

Japanese Bantams: 7
1 Mottled roo
2 White chicks
1 BTW chicks
2 Black (Or gray? Maybe? Not yet clear.) chicks
Hey Jaide, Can I ask you a question. I am sorta new to all this chicken business. I bought 20 chickens in September, all kinds, Black Australorps,welsummers,wynandottes,rhode island reds and Easter eggers. My question is, they free range on our acre and I LOVEEEE watching them mix in with each other all day. My problem is I do not keep the breeds separate, am I doing it wrong???? They all mix together in the yard and I have three Roosters from my neighbors yard that come over and voo dee oo doo with them. I am now starting to get eggs, so far light brown ones. Do I have to separate them in breeds, or can I just let them be tramps who ever get to them .....I am sooo confused about this. The roosters are alot thinner then my girls are. And they are all the same size, other then the colors of the roosters. One all white, one with white and alittle color on his neck feathers and the last one to join in is white with black and brown on his tail feathers. I also do not know how to keep them from coming over, I only wanted the girls for eggs, but now I am going to be getting chicks, unless I can find ALL the eggs. But just curious about letting the breeds mix with different roosters, I don't even know what they are....Thanks so much...Maggie
Yeah, as long as they are all getting along and not fighting there is no "wrong way" to do it. As for the roosters, plenty of people have barnyard mixes but honestly it's not really fair their roos keep coming over. I mean, what if you had your own roos and/or a breeding program and wanted purebreds??? I know you're not but it's the principal. I say instead if letting them breed, chase them away when they come over or put up a fence and ask your neighbors to keep their **** roosters on their own property
Hey Jaide, Can I ask you a question. I am sorta new to all this chicken business. I bought 20 chickens in September, all kinds, Black Australorps,welsummers,wynandottes,rhode island reds and Easter eggers. My question is, they free range on our acre and I LOVEEEE watching them mix in with each other all day. My problem is I do not keep the breeds separate, am I doing it wrong???? They all mix together in the yard and I have three Roosters from my neighbors yard that come over and voo dee oo doo with them. I am now starting to get eggs, so far light brown ones. Do I have to separate them in breeds, or can I just let them be tramps who ever get to them .....I am sooo confused about this. The roosters are alot thinner then my girls are. And they are all the same size, other then the colors of the roosters. One all white, one with white and alittle color on his neck feathers and the last one to join in is white with black and brown on his tail feathers. I also do not know how to keep them from coming over, I only wanted the girls for eggs, but now I am going to be getting chicks, unless I can find ALL the eggs. But just curious about letting the breeds mix with different roosters, I don't even know what they are....Thanks so much...Maggie

Unless you have a broody hen who hides a nest (Other hens might lay in it too.) and then incubates the eggs for twenty one days you won't be getting chicks, all you will be getting is fertilized eggs, and as far as eating, I and others cannot tell the difference.

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