What do you have in your flock?

I have 3 Buff Orpington's and 2 that are Black Sex Link, I think, not very sure. We got them from a friend, and she hasn't replied with what breed they are. Can anyone help me out?
Hey Dekel,
Well we have for sure a white Chicken from our neighbors who is broody for sure, she only leaves the nest to eat and drink and runs back on her nest, which seems to be multiplying thanks to the other chickens, she has about 20 in there now...ha ha AND she is having chicks because the Roo from next door was attacking her every chance he got. But now my girls are finally laying eggs:):) I am really not sure what to do about the neighbors chickens and roosters. I counted THREE ROOS and FIVE CHICKENS from next door this morning, eating all my chicken scratch...So yeah I am really ****** off, as the feed is not CHEAP...and I know they have to know they come over. I also have talked to them about it, as two of their roosters killed my one and only HUGE POSTER ROOSTER that was the prettiest thing I have ever seen, he was GORGEOUS. Anyway I marched him over there, dead in my arms, and showed them what their Roosters did, they offered to pay me for him, but I told them, JUST PLEASE keep your Chickens and Roosters in your yard, CUT THEIR WINGS...My husband wants to shoot them with his bee bee gun..yikesssss.
sooo then a question for anyone, when a wyndotte has chicks from a different kind of rooster, what do you call the chicks. Maggie
We just started in the spring
first started with 6 leghorns
then a month later added
3 Americana
3 Rhoda Island Reds
we are talking about what to add this coming spring. Have not decided for sure.
Update.2016 We have added an unknow breed Rooster. He has not been added yet to the hens will be doing that if nothing happens in the next few weeks. Also bought 6 barred rocks one died. Hope to start hatching in a month or so. I have now ideal what the babies will look like. All breeds is what they was labeled at the store I bought them from. We now have 18 chickens. Hope to add Turkeys soon. Looking for them now.
I've got 39 mixed breed eggs in the incubator currently for the Easter HAL. Hoping for some really cool looking chicks
We just added 2 Barnevelder chicks to my flock.

I already have:
Buff Orpingtons (3)
Easter Eggers (3)
Wyandottes (1)
Maran (1)
Olive Egger (1)
Rhode Island Red (1)

I am trying to get a daily colorful egg collection.
We just added 2 Barnevelder chicks to my flock.

I already have:
Buff Orpingtons (3)
Easter Eggers (3)
Wyandottes (1)
Maran (1)
Olive Egger (1)
Rhode Island Red (1)

I am trying to get a daily colorful egg collection.

A colorful egg basket collection is what I started out with only to find out that the different breeds producing the pretty eggs were not all compatible breeds to put in one flock. We loved the eggs they gave us in all colors but ultimately had to remove the heavier dual-purpose breeds from the flock. The dark egg color breeds were our biggest and meanest bullies and surprisingly our Leghorns were cannibalistic. Anyway, we did keep the blue-egg layer as that breed seemed very sweet-tempered and non-combative and we've down-sized all the breeds to 5-lb-&-under and that way no heavy bullies in the group. There has to be a pecking order but we re-homed the hens that were brutal. We are missing a brown egg in our basket and someday I hope to add a lighterweight Dom to get the brownish egg - I can't find any brown egg breed smaller than a Dom.
I feel like it depends on the individual bird/flock and amount of space too because some people have them together with zero issues.

Although I have heard Marans and Wyandottes can be mean.

But there are people who have together fine.

Maybe with a larger area or free ranging they do better

My Australorps are kind of mean but I'm keeping them because I'm hoping that once they start laying they calm down and are really good layers. But I also way overcrowded them as babies so they developed some issues I feel

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