What do you have in your flock?

1 EE RIR hen
1 EE BR hen
5 buff Orpington hens
2 buff Orpington roosters
1 barnevelder rooster
4 barnevelder hens
3 welsummer
1 salmon faverolles
3 BL Wyandotte
4 buff laced polish
3 Ancona
1 SL Cochin
1 white crested blue polish
2 appenzeller
3 porcelain d'uccle roosters
2 d'uccle Cochin mixed roosters
5 cochin bantam roosters
1 frizzle Cochin rooster
3 frizzle Cochin hens
1 Millie Fleur d'uccle hen
2 bantam cochin hens
4 bantam cochin d'uccle hens

8 female muscovy ducks

15 heritage breed turkeys
5 toms 10 hens

Ordered 19 chicks and 12 hatching eggs for this spring.
I feel like it depends on the individual bird/flock and amount of space too because some people have them together with zero issues.

Although I have heard Marans and Wyandottes can be mean.

But there are people who have together fine.

Maybe with a larger area or free ranging they do better

My Australorps are kind of mean but I'm keeping them because I'm hoping that once they start laying they calm down and are really good layers. But I also way overcrowded them as babies so they developed some issues I feel

More space is always better but even then some hens are not happy unless they are chasing or being mean and we just re-homed those. I hope your 'Lorps do calm down as I've heard so much good about them. I know of one BYCer that keeps only 'Lorps as her one flock. I would love a 'Lorp but she'd be way too big around my other smaller breeds.
Just added 15 chicks few weeks ago: Australorps
New Hampshires
Black Sex Links
Easter Eggers

To 11 month olds:
Black Copper Marans
Blue Splash Marans
Rhode Island Reds
Plymouth Barred Rocks

And to 23 month olds:
White Leghorns
Silver Laced Wyandottes
Barred Rocks
More space is always better but even then some hens are not happy unless they are chasing or being mean and we just re-homed those.  I hope your 'Lorps do calm down as I've heard so much good about them.  I know of one BYCer that keeps only 'Lorps as her one flock.  I would love a 'Lorp but she'd be way too big around my other smaller breeds.

That's very true! Only time a really really mean one may be satisfied would be with acres and acres which most people (myself included) can't provide plus even then some are just mean and will,still chase like you said.

And thank you, I hope so too!!! They all peck me and the 'Lorps do it extra hard but I think maybe they think my pants are food. Sometimes if I sit down they will scratch with their feet and peck with their beaks which is part of why i think they think its food lol its usually an interesting pattern or a piece of shavings. I may start wearing the same pants every time. Sometimes i shoo them with my hands especially the ones that sneak up behind me or peck skin. I hate being mean if it isn't intentional or is simply a bad habit from lack of space but I can't have them mob and peck. Its only when I'm standing still. But the birds also sometimes fight. They'll charge each other. The 'Lorps used to be low in the order but now they're terrors and the BOs are sometimes scared. But some of the BOs also fight the EEs. The 'Lorps and the EEs and one BO seem to be the highest up but the BR leads them around outside. Speaking of which, even free ranging sometimes the 'Lorps will just fly up and attack someone for seemingly no reason. Not really full attack but happened just last week. BO was happily foraging near me and a 'Lorp flew up and landed on or near her. Maybe it wasn't a full attack and the BO just got spooked, who knows, but it looked mean to me. I really hope they calm down :(
5 .Australorp's
1. Brahma
3. Cochin's
1. Cochin bantam
1. Ameraucaba
1. Naked neck
1. BR
1. WR
1. Sex-link
4. Silkie's
5. OEGB's
4. toppy's game

and a few oher breeds they are mix-breeds im sure the mix.
At the moment I have
2 white rocks
1 buff brahma
1 black jersey giant
4 American games
4 silkies
2 pekin Ducks
I have ordered for end of April
50 Cornish x
13 RIR
13 Buff orps
13 white leghorns
13 barred rocks
10 bourbon red poults
5 broad breasted white poults
Lets see I have...
Buff Orpingtons
Gold sexlink
Black sexlink
Speckled Sussex
Game Hen (no clue what breed)
Rhode Island Red
Red Pyle Bantams
Various Mutts
Crazy hobby we have isn't it!
Right now I have:
Buff orpington
Easter Egger
Rhode Island red
Plymouth barred
Blue laced Wyandotte
Black sexlink
And last but definitely not least my beautiful Jersey Giant.
My chicken flock

Isa browns
Glw and slw
Barred rocks
Buff orphinton
Black sex links
Total 43 hens and 5 roos

Turkey flock
6 Bourbon reds
9 royal palms
2 chocolates
1 blue red bronze
1 blue palm
3 blue slates
1 narragansett
1 chocolate/palm cross

24 total

I have 20 baby chicks in the basement.

Need to cut back but it's addicting.
I have Four Black Australorps,
Two Easter Eggers
Three Silver Weyndottes,
two Rhod Islands eds
Two Welsummers
one Red Sexlink
And Three Roosters from my Neighbors...grrrrrr
******So one of my Black Australorps had chicks, four black and three white chicks...so my
question is...does it matter who fertilizes her, if she has eggs, will they all be Black Australorps or does to the fact that the roosters are all different,will the chicks be random chicks. Does a Black Australorp hen HAVE to be fertilized by a Black Aurtralorp Rooster to carry that breeds name???? Oh and yes I realized that she hatched another chickens eggs due to the different color of the chicks, I see them lay on each others eggs all the time, sneaky little birds...Maggie
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