What do you have in your flock?

I have Four Black Australorps,
Two Easter Eggers
Three Silver Weyndottes,
two Rhod Islands eds
Two Welsummers
And Three Roosters from my Neighbors...grrrrrr
******So one of my Black Australorps had chicks, four black and three white chicks...so my 
question is...does it matter who fertilizes her, if she has eggs, will they all be Black Australorps or does to the fact that the roosters are all different,will the chicks be random chicks.  Does a Black Australorp hen HAVE to be fertilized by a Black Aurtralorp Rooster to carry that breeds name???? Oh and yes I realized  that she hatched another chickens eggs due to the different color of the chicks, I see them lay on each others eggs all the time, sneaky little birds...Maggie

If she is not bred by a Black Australorp then the babies will not be Black Australorps. Especially if you are not even sure if they are her eggs.

If one dog breed breeds with another, it is no longer that breed right? A German Shepherd can't breed with a Lab or Chihuahua and have it still be called a German Shepherd.

Same for birds.

However depending on the show, some shows allow birds that mostly look like the breed to be shown or registered as that breed. At least they do with horses and rabbits. Not sure about birds. But even if they do, the babies are technically still mixed breeds.

Hopefully that helps
Thanks for clearing that up for me Kdog....:):) I am getting some Polish hens soon, so I will have to watch them...ha ha ha Maggie
Oh I will probably separate them into there own area when they are mature enough to have chicks. I get them in about two more weeks, they will be little chicks, so I am going to try and get them alittle tame. I built a HUGE Hutch out of Pallets that I got around the area. I built it four pallets on each wall and then added a additional four pallets on top of the wall, so they really have alot of room. I also made two small cages for the babies. Having so much dang fun:)I am going to try and post pics of the hutch, I have hung ferns on all corners.....Thanks for your knowledge. Maggie
Oh I will probably separate them into there own area when they are mature enough to have chicks.  I get them in about two more weeks, they will be little chicks, so I am going to try and get them alittle tame. I built a HUGE Hutch out of Pallets that I got around the area. I built it four pallets on each wall and then added a additional four pallets on top of the wall, so they really have alot of room. I also made two small cages  for the babies.  Having so much dang fun:)I am going to try and post pics of the hutch, I have hung ferns on all corners.....Thanks for your knowledge.  Maggie

Oh okay, that makes sense then! And oh wow! That certainly is a lot of space!! That's great though!! And no problem, thank you! Though truthfully I really don't know too much, I only got my first chicks the end of October, but I've been on the site a while and have gathered a lot of knowledge lol have fun with your babies :)
My flock is always changing but at the moment:
First coup run 1 Red Pyle cross gamecock (Rocky)with 5 Ameraucana hens
2nd coup and run 3 Frizzles Bulldozer and his 2 hens(snowball and Buttercup)
3rd coop 9 New Hampshire Red chicks looks like 4 hens and 5 Roos in 4 months the Roos will be traded for something else
and for some reason my wife has borrowed an incubator so who knows what's next.
Was supposed to just be 6 hens for eggs total.
Oh I will...what started out as 6 turned into my little I mean big Menagarie of chickens, but it is alot of fun, especially when they run all at you at the same time...har har..Maggie
Oh I will...what started out as 6 turned into my little I mean big Menagarie of chickens, but it is alot of fun, especially when they run all at you at the same time...har har..Maggie

Oh wow!! Haha sounds awesome though!!

We just have 8 right now but I'd love to get more lol
I have:
2 EE's
2 RIR's
1 barred rock
1 possible white Plymouth Rock (not 100% sure)

They are all beautiful 5 week hens (or surprise roosters hidden in one or two of them)
My flock is always changing but at the moment:
First coup run 1 Red Pyle cross gamecock (Rocky)with 5 Ameraucana hens
2nd coup and run 3 Frizzles Bulldozer and his 2 hens(snowball and Buttercup)
3rd coop 9 New Hampshire Red chicks looks like 4 hens and 5 Roos in 4 months the Roos will be traded for something else
and for some reason my wife has borrowed an incubator so who knows what's next.
Was supposed to just be 6 hens for eggs total.

Chickens are addictive. I only wanted two pet Silkies 5 yrs ago. I cycled through 13 chickens in 5 yrs but have it down to 4 little hens now. Learned my lesson and have a lot more will-power to say "no" now

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