What do you have in your flock?

Suspicious she might be a he?! I'm not sure on her breed, but I thought maybe leghorn. She's about 4.5 months. Here's another pic.
Suspicious that's not a leghorn. At 18 weeks she would have a comb. Leghorn combs are big and impressive, she has none.

To compare, the white chicken in my avi is a leghorn pullet at 17 weeks.
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 Suspicious that's not a leghorn. At 18 weeks she would have a comb. Leghorn combs are big and impressive, she has none.

To compare, the white chicken in my avi is a leghorn pullet at 17 weeks.

Another member said she might be a White Chantecler. I looked those up and she looks exactly like the pics. So I guess I can stop saying I'm not a fan of my Leghorn
Well, mine's a bit involved...Here's what I currently have:

The older ones (All a little over 7 mos.):
3 SLW pullets - Lexi, Astrid, & Freya (I'm culling two of these because I don't like them- they're bullies)
2 Blue Ameraucana pullets - Nora & Cora
1 Wheaten Ameraucana cockerel - Hugo

1 Silver Laced Polish cockerel - Paris (about 4 mos.- Getting culled soon because I have no intention of breeding him)
2 BW Ameraucana bantam pullets - Clover & Charlotte(about 4 mos.- These two are being culled soon because they were not supposed to be bantams & I can't use them)
1 Blue Ameraucana cockerel (12 weeks- Athos)
1 BLRW pullet (11-12 weeks- Phoebe)
1 BLRW cockerel (11-12 weeks- Pippin)
1 BW Ameraucana pullet (10 weeks- Calliope)

The rest are all 8 weeks old today and are from a hatchery:
2 Speckled Sussex pullets - Libby & Tessa
2 GLW pullets - Bonnie & Elena
1 BCM pullet - Gwen
1 Salmon Faverolle pullet - Sophie
1 SLW cockerel - Percival
1 Partridge Rock pullet - Gemma
1 Welsummer pullet - Quinn

In addition to breeding B/B/S Ams, SLWs & BLRWs, I plan on adding several more breeds and varieties along with eliminating several as I go. It's a work in progress, and chicken math is playing a big role in my decision making process...I can't help it
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I have:
Buff, blue, lavender, and jubilee orps.
Barred rocks
Olive eggers and Easter eggers
Black copper and cuckoo marans
Barnevelders and blue laced barnevelder
top knot mixes
Red blue laced, gold laced and silver laced Wyandottes
Rhode island reds
Jersey giants
Speckled Sussex
Couple bantam mutts
Red and blacks sex-links
Delaware hen
Mottled java
One black Ameraucana
A production red
And chicks from mixes above.
I want to add just ONE to my flock..
Titan (our roo) has another home, leaving an opening for one more girl.
We want another Wyandotte, we have a GLW and I am able to get a Silver Laced Wyandotte today or should I wait till Spring and get a GLW??
Wyandotte is the only pullet that doesn't have one like her. I hate these decisions!! Anyone have their opinions? I asked my ohio board as well
I have:
Buff, blue, lavender, and jubilee orps.
Barred rocks
Olive eggers and Easter eggers
Black copper and cuckoo marans
Barnevelders and blue laced barnevelder
top knot mixes
Red blue laced, gold laced and silver laced Wyandottes
Rhode island reds
Jersey giants
Speckled Sussex
Couple bantam mutts
Red and blacks sex-links
Delaware hen
Mottled java
One black Ameraucana
A production red
And chicks from mixes above.
that a great flock! Do you hatch also or get chicks from a hatchery? How many girls do you have total? Sorry for questions, just curious.
We have
6Black australorp
4buff orp
3 EE
1 GLW planning on another Wyandotte
that a great flock! Do you hatch also or get chicks from a hatchery? How many girls do you have total? Sorry for questions, just curious.
We have
6Black australorp
4buff orp
3 EE
1 GLW planning on another Wyandotte

We have one "nursery hen" who is blind but helps raise chicks, especially if I incubate them. I currently have 75 hens and pullets, and 17 roos and cockerels. I have a few growing out that will go to freezer camp. I have gotten chicks from feed stores, hatched them and had a friend give me her whole flock of 16 hens and 2 roos when they moved. I am working on building breeding pens for specific breeds, but as of now, they are mostly all mixed. I have two rooster and their hens separate as well as the nursery separate.

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