What do you have in your flock?

I show and breed
Black bantam silkie (4 hens 1 rooster)
Cream Legbar (6 hens 1 rooster)
Barbu d'Anver (set 1: 5 hens 1 rooster) (set 2: 4 hens 1 rooster)
Gold partrige pekin bantam (3 hens 1 rooster)
Bantam coronation Sussex ( 2 hens 1 rooster)

I also have a few hens and ducks for eggs and pets
7 ducks and a drake
1 silver Sussex
1 buff pekin bantam
2 red laying hens
1 white laying hen
And a light Sussex rooster
I know this is an old thread, but I have:

20 Chickens:

3 Buff Orpintons (hens)
2 Production Reds (hens)
2 Barred Rocks (1 hen, 1 rooster)
3 Silkies (1 Buff hen, 1 White hen, 1 Black roo)
1 Pekin, AKA Cochin, bantam (hen)
1 Light Brahma (hen)
1 Black Australorp (hen)
1 Easter Egger (hen)
2 Buff/Black Silkie cross chicks (genders unknown)
1 White/Black Silkie cross chick (gender unknown)
2 Easter Egger/Black Silkie cross chicks (genders unknown)

9 Ducks:

2 Pekins (1 drake, 1 hen)
1 Magpie (drake)
1 Blue Swedish (hen)
2 Pekin Ducklings (genders unknown)
1 Magpie/Pekin cross duckling (gender unknown)

3 Turkeys:

1 Eastern Wild Turkey (jenny)
2 White Turkey chicks (genders unknown, my guesses are: 1 jenny AKA hen and 1 tom, AKA gobbler)

That's it for my flock. For now, of course.
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I have/had
-Barred Rock
-Sicilian Buttercup
-Black Copper Marans
-White Leghorn
-Golden Laced Wyandotte
I like to have only one of each breed, so I can identify them and have a colorful flock!
All my chickens are different.
1 Ameracana
1 White something something
1 cream speckled barnyard variety
1 grey speckled barnyard variety

I am zoned for only the 3 in the city...shhhhhhhhh.
Just starting off in this amazing journey of backyard chickening!! But myself, my wife, and our 3 girls have:

1golden seabright
1silver seabright
2black sex links
1golden sex link
1white crested black polish
1Silver laced wyandotte
1khaki Campbell(duck)

This Tuesday we pick up 2americanas, 1aquila, 1rhode I.R, 1cayuga (duck)

And on april26th we pick up15 Bob white quail!!
I have/had
-Barred Rock
-Sicilian Buttercup
-Black Copper Marans
-White Leghorn
-Golden Laced Wyandotte
I like to have only one of each breed, so I can identify them and have a colorful flock!

Most of your flock should get along as all those breeds can be assertive (CAN -- not WILL) and can stand up to each other's flock politics -- the only thing I would do different for my backyard is to have TWO Ameraucanas (or Easter Eggers) since they are primarily considered a "kind-to-flockmates" type of personality and the more dominant breeds tend to take advantage of a lone gentle hen. Two gentle Ameraucanas or Easter Eggers at least can have each other to flock together away from the more assertive/combative types. I used to want a colorful egg basket of brown, chocolate, white, pink, blue, and green eggs until I discovered that different color egg layer-breeds don't necessarily get along with some being docile and others being assertive to downright aggressive. We found Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers as a whole got picked on by our Leghorns (both White and Buff Legs) and Marans (both Cuckoo and Black Copper Marans). At that point we had to decide whether we were going to keep the more assertive layer breeds or have more docile breeds for our backyard flock. We opted for the docile breeds like Silkie, Ameraucana, and Breda, and dispersed our divas (layer and dual purpose heavier breeds). We loved both types of flocks but for the sake of peace and good neighbors we opted for the gentler and less combative breeds. Surprisingly, we still get a lot of eggs from our group -- just not an array of colors like we started with.
2 buff orpingtons, 1 cinnamon queen, 1 barred rock, 2 easter eggers and a banty x americauna cross roo

I love it when I see owners having at least 2 EEs in a backyard flock -- EEs are usually a kind, non-combative type of flockmate and need another docile companion in a backyard containing more assertive chicken breeds. Are you able to post a pic of your bantam x Americana roo? Is he on the smaller size or the Americana size?

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