What do you have in your flock?

Don't have a variety like most here. But here are mine.

16 Easter Eggers
6 Silver Laced Wyandottes
4 Gold laced Wyandottes

And am currently growing out 2 barred rocks. Plus going to be starting my silkie army for my blackberry patch in about 2 months. Or whenever I get around to building a coop. Time has been a bit short lately.
Don't have a variety like most here. But here are mine.

16 Easter Eggers
6 Silver Laced Wyandottes
4 Gold laced Wyandottes

And am currently growing out 2 barred rocks. Plus going to be starting my silkie army for my blackberry patch in about 2 months. Or whenever I get around to building a coop. Time has been a bit short lately.
Nice! Easter Eggers and Wyandottes are great! Especially Easter Eggers.....
Currently I have 3 Easter Eggers, which are sweet but seem to molt all the time, but when they do lay, their eggs are pretty. Also, a RIR, Black sex link, and 2 Buff Orpingtons. Our wyandotte recently died, and her replacement is an Australorp chick who is a sweet heart. 2 Belgian de uccles, 2 Polish, a silkie, Speckled Sussex and Spitzhauben are coming the ned of this month.
Don't have a variety like most here. But here are mine.

16 Easter Eggers
6 Silver Laced Wyandottes
4 Gold laced Wyandottes

And am currently growing out 2 barred rocks. Plus going to be starting my silkie army for my blackberry patch in about 2 months. Or whenever I get around to building a coop. Time has been a bit short lately.

That's more variety than I have. I have only 2 Silkies and 3 Breda.
My group of 30+ will be shrinking by 2. Sadly there were 2 males in my pullet chicks. In town and luckily there is no restriction on hens BUT no to roosters.

I get it but DANG! Such a bummer.
I have many breeds and only now beginning to realize I have my favorite types
we have (females):
8 Silkies love them of course
2 mottled cochan bantams super sweet
1 Mille Fleur D'Uccle bantam super sweet
1 Buff Orpington
1 Gold Wyandotte
1 Silver Wyandotte
1 Barred Rock
12 Rhode Island Reds really sweet

2 silkies one is a hellion
4 Buff Orpingtons sweet boys
7 Rhode Island Reds sweet boys One is enamored with me. He's in love...not even kidding. I have to "tuck" him in at night. He's beside himself if I don't spend time with him. Follows me everywhere. He loves just being with me. My neighbors get a kick out it.
I have forgotten the actual count of my roosters. The only count that would change are the amount of RIR's. I'm saying to self, are there 11 in one coop and 3 in the other or 13 in one coop and 3 in the other. Regardless, too many roosters but I can't get rid of them.

Arriving this summer (females):
1 Porcelain D'Uccle bantam
1 Silkie
2 Easter Eggers bantam

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