What do you think about hobbling the rooster's legs?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 15, 2008
I have a leather strap with which I've limited the gait of my rooster. He's gotten over zealous. He can walk about freely but can't run at full gait, so the hens can get away. It also interferes with him mounting them so viciously. His spurs have also been trimmed to a very flat end. The straps are tied so loosely as to not even have a chance of constricting his leg. It seems to be making quite a difference so I am thinking of buying something made for the purpose. But I don't find anything. It seems to work so well that I can't believe no one has done it before. Is there something I'm missing? Has anyone tried this? It seems to be a convenient way to give the hens some recuperation time without putting too much cramp in his style. Feedback appreciated.
Sounds like a good idea, I'm sure the hens appreciate your inventiveness!
Its been a practice for many years, that much I know. It was more common in times passed and is surely not unknown. I dont believe it was ever really widespread, though, as I've only read of it a few times.

I'm certain the folks who engage in matches between game birds do it for one reason or another.
I have done it before with a bantam rooster who was beating on another rooster. It prevented him from beating him up all the time. I read about it somewhere, but do not remember where now.
I have a very agressive rooster - constantly harassing the ladies and creating discord in my flock. I bought two large brass fishing swivels...with swivels on both ends. I then threaded one end of a wide plastic tie strap through one end of the swivel, then wrapped the tie strip around the roosters foot between his claws and his spur. I did this on both legs. then I threaded a longer tie strap between the open end of both the swivels. I left about 6 to 7 inches between the legs. A small tie wrap in the middle keeps the slack under control.
The hobble works great. It slows him down when chasing the hens...but allows him freedom to scratch and walk normally.
I just don't see why on earth one would keep a mean rooster? What is the point of going through all this for a bird who, from all accounts, should be removed from the gene pool?
I just don't see why on earth one would keep a mean rooster? What is the point of going through all this for a bird who, from all accounts, should be removed from the gene pool?

I can't answer about that one, but ours keeps his girls under control and safe. Also gets those eggs fertilized. We don't hatch them but the local 4-H often does. He and I both know that if we find ourselves trapped in the same small space someone will get hurt, but he has a job to do and he's very good at it.
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I don't want to get rid of my little Banty Roo because he's beautiful and doesn't attack me. I'm going to try hobbling him to see if it will slow him down. He runs free all day with two Banty hens and gets very excited when I let the large chickens out late in the afternoons. I really want to keep him. Just need him to quit upsetting all the hens.
I just don't see why on earth one would keep a mean rooster? What is the point of going through all this for a bird who, from all accounts, should be removed from the gene pool?
People get attached to their animals. An aggressive roo isn’t always a bad thing… I’ve had several that were extremely aggressive to others but not me, and for the safety of others are now gone. I currently have a beautiful young roo that is a sweet soul but hates my husband. I’m not going to cull my favorite roo, I’m going to work with him and possibly despur or use this time old method my grandfather taught me…

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