What do you think of this feed?

It doesn't state the brand, which I thought was very strange. I just ordered some samples (and paid shipping only) just to see what it looks like. I'm going with Nutrena, as stated above.
I personally couldn't trust a random person selling something online.
You have no clue, really, what they would be selling you.
I know what you mean, Kiki. I guess my curiosity just got the best of me! I've been looking at, and pricing chicken feed for the entire few months I've had chickens. I want to buy something that is good for my chickens and a reasonable price. Not the easiest thing to do.
I know what you mean, Kiki. I guess my curiosity just got the best of me! I've been looking at, and pricing chicken feed for the entire few months I've had chickens. I want to buy something that is good for my chickens and a reasonable price. Not the easiest thing to do.
Have you seen my feed chart yet?
I see it in one of your posts. Poultry feed comparison chart? I'll look at it now!
Yes! There is actually a Googlesheet with A LOT of brand name feeds and it included links to the manufacturers websites and or stores that carry the feed.

If money is top priority you really have to go into several local stores and see what they have on site.
Having any feed shipped will cost more.
Local is going to be the cheapest for sure.
I just looked at it, and we don't have ADM here, unfortunately. I see where you will be adding brand names. I think it's wonderful that you're doing this. I like the fact that starter/grower has the higher protein, since 4 of mine are under 6 months of age. I like the higher protein for them, but yet not so high that it taxes their kidneys. The only older one (2 years old) has been through the wringer with a rooster before I got her, and her feathers are finally starting to come back a little bit. She has bamboo for wings, lol.I imagine she will benefit from a little higher protein right now too.
Money isn't top priority, no. The chickens' health is top. But not spending $35 on 25 lb. of chicken feed would be nice too! I only have 5, but will soon have 7, and the 7 lb. bag I ordered won't go real far.
Money isn't top priority, no. The chickens' health is top. But not spending $35 on 25 lb. of chicken feed would be nice too! I only have 5, but will soon have 7, and the 7 lb. bag I ordered won't go real far.
ADM is not the only feed on the sheet.
I have hundreds of different feeds on it.

I have 8 hens.
I go through one 50 pound bag of layer crumbles each month.
That may give you an idea of about how much feed you may go through.
One thing I could say is that's the most expensive feed I think I've ever seen.
Glad I'm not feeding it or I'd only be able to afford to have 8 hens.
I forgot to say I have bantams, so they eat a lot less than LF. I did look at all the feeds. I think I mentioned ADM because I've heard it's a very good food. A lot of people with horses use it.

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