What do Yours Eat?



Jun 26, 2021
West Mansfield, OH
This morning my flock is really enjoying their fermented food with broccoli. Yesterday they loved some watermelon.
What are some things your chickens really like to eat?


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Mine are weird, they don’t like mash. 😝 I give it to them anyway on hot days. Mine love forage, whether they be leafy greens, or cover crop I grown for them. They get lots of veggie ends and oxeye daisy in the summer which is really good for them. Mine also like the herbal blends I put in there feed. Wether it’s something I make myself for my Etsy shop, or a nesting herb blend I find. I like to switch it up to give variety.
Mine are weird, they don’t like mash. 😝 I give it to them anyway on hot days. Mine love forage, whether they be leafy greens, or cover crop I grown for them. They get lots of veggie ends and oxeye daisy in the summer which is really good for them. Mine also like the herbal blends I put in there feed. Wether it’s something I make myself for my Etsy shop, or a nesting herb blend I find. I like to switch it up to give variety.
Atleast yours aren’t picky. Mine get bored of food, if they eat grub worms one day, they usually hate it the next and then like it again.

Also, who ever said chickens dig up grubs and worms themself? I have to be the one to sit there and dig for them.
My chickens favorite treats are wet feed, fodder from their grazing boxes, ears of corn, watermelon, cantaloupe and pumpkin ‘guts’ lol, scrambled eggs, plain coconut milk yogurt, stuff from the garden, and dried black soldier fly larvae. Now their absolute favorite treats are not very healthy or nutritious for them, but it’s plain pasta and white rice. They only get these once a month or so when we have leftovers.

They also get other veggie and fruit scraps or fruit that’s about to go off (not moldy though). I am also growing hardy shrubs with edible berries for them. Native wild rose for rose hips, California coffeeberry for the berries, blueberry bushes, etc.
Chickens really are the best mousers. We couldn't get rid of the mice in our barn until we got chickens. The only mice I have seen since are dead ones dangling from their beaks.
So true! Mine are voracious hunters. I hate when they get frogs and lizards, but they can eat all the mice and rats they want!

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