What does my Lav Orp have in her eye?? pics Please help


9 Years
Apr 5, 2010
Cody, WY
See the white ?? is it a worm?? I have been treating her with triple antibiotic eye ointment I got from the vet and also Ivermicten spray, have been flushing it out with warm water, then applying the antibiotic 3 x day and now I scaled it down to 2 x day . She was put in a small pen for the last 3 weeks while I have been treating her. It is actually looking better believe it or not. Any thoughts or suggestions??

She doesn't have a runny nose cough etc and the other eye looks fine.
IT WAS AN EYE WORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very nasty, I watched a video on you-tube on how to remove an eye worm and yep when we squeezed on her eye it was definitely a worm!! I put some Valdazen like someone else posted and gave her a 1/2 cc orally and hope it works!!!!
OH MY GOSH! Thank god you got it out! I know nothing about eye worms, but I admire your willingness to help your chicken. Best of luck to you and your girl!

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