What does this behavior mean?


Jan 18, 2016
Hi, Whenever I enter the coop/run gate, all my Leghorns come up close. They start pecking at my pants and shoes pulling on the laces, untying them. They know I'm there to feed and water them. I don't think its aggression, perhaps a form of acceptance. What are they thinking when they're pecking on me?
Mine run to the door and peck me anywhere and everywhere they feel would be tasty
They like you!! They know that you are bringing them the goods and the treats!! If they are coming up to you and not running away that means you have done something right and they trust and feel comfortable with you! Or at least in my experience that's what it means.
Chickens use their beaks to communicate with us and with one another, and it's also how they investigate things. They also use their beaks to navigate. Watch when they are getting ready to hop up onto something. They tap the surface with their beak to judge how high they need to jump.

They use their beaks to discipline each other and to communicate displeasure, with each other and us humans as well.

You might say the beak on a chicken is its most important body part.

When chickens use their beaks to peck at our legs, they are saying, "Pay attention to me."
Just wait until one of them wipes their dirty beak off on your pants or bare arm or leg. I also have a hen thats obsessed with preening my hair. Thank goodness she's a Silkie and can't fly. If she could, I'd imagine she'd be on top of my head every time I had to do something in the coop!
Thank you for your input! I was guessing right when it was acceptance. They're all gathered at the gate when they see me coming! I walk in slowly and deliberately, so not to spook them. I constructed an elevated storage bin a foot off the ground, so they don't lose their floor space. In the bin I keep their food and water While I'm getting their food, they circle me and start pecking away! When I walk to their food dish they lead the way cackling as they go. As soon as I drop the food, they instantly start feeding. I feed them in the morning right after sunrise and again an hour before sunset. What do you think?
Thank you for your input! I was guessing right when it was acceptance. They're all gathered at the gate when they see me coming! I walk in slowly and deliberately, so not to spook them. I constructed an elevated storage bin a foot off the ground, so they don't lose their floor space. In the bin I keep their food and water While I'm getting their food, they circle me and start pecking away! When I walk to their food dish they lead the way cackling as they go. As soon as I drop the food, they instantly start feeding. I feed them in the morning right after sunrise and again an hour before sunset. What do you think?
Might be 'acceptance'(I don't think so)...but is it acceptable?
Not in my book, I wouldn't put up with it.

But then I have food and water out for them 24/7....
....they won't overeat and sometimes need to take turns due to pecking order, so best to have feed out at least all day.
When my birds peck at me, I think it's because they think I'm food..... My cocky tries to "eat" my freckles and my chooks are trying to peck at stuff they think is edible. One pecked a mole/wart on the back of my leg today. She obviously thought it was a seed. As for shoelaces, look like worms, perhaps? I think they just associate us with food and get started on their "dinner" a bit early.
Might be 'acceptance'(I don't think so)...but is it acceptable?
Not in my book, I wouldn't put up with it.

But then I have food and water out for them 24/7....
....they won't overeat and sometimes need to take turns due to pecking order, so best to have feed out at least all day.

I agree - it can be cute to begin with, but i find it tiresome. When mine do it, i gently tap their beaks or move them away with my foot. Leaving constant access to food i also agree is a better way to ensuring all the flock can eat and drink their fill.


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