What does your duck house look like?


Yes, we finished the top. We had to install two more posts in the center of the pen for support. We used chicken wire. It's mostly for hawks. Not worried about the night predators since my crew is locked up safe and sound over night.


Yes the stall mats are simply "hose off and done"

You can find pictures and descriptions here:


Hope that helps!

It helps greatly, Dan. I have the issue right now that i lay down dry straw in the corner on the concrete of my workshop floor, and they made a nice nest that they sleep in at night, but what happens with the ducklings, is they go crazy in their water drinker (even when suspended) and water gets everywhere and then makes wet straw and combined with the dirt and poo, just gets mucky. And then its hard to clean because i don't want to get the rest of the dry straw wet.Laying these down could be my solution for a nice insulated easy-to-clean surface that is easy on their little webbed feet. The nice thing is I have a center drain so hosing should be a breeze. I'll post a pic.


Yes, we finished the top. We had to install two more posts in the center of the pen for support. We used chicken wire. It's mostly for hawks. Not worried about the night predators since my crew is locked up safe and sound over night.

Do you transfer them to a different area at night where you lock them up? That is kind of what i am doing. I lock mine up in my polebarn (workshoop) at night, but right now they are freeroaming during the day and by their little swimming pool. My idea is they will be in the barn at night, but i want to contain them for extra security during the day. They love to walk around to the front of the house in the garden, but i would rather have them a little restricted and safe!


I have added on since these pics...
scroll down my FB page and there are pics of the pond install.. just make sure it is ever so slightly tilted downward towards the drain, it hoses right out.. I scrub it with a broom and cleaner once a week !! I put tank heaters in for winter and they NEVER freeze, my ducks swim all yr long.. feel free to ask if you have any questions..
So helpful, thank you. I am using a kiddie pool temporarily, but i want something that looks a bit more permanent for them soon, as well as easy to get in and out. The challenge i am having is finding a wide shallow basin with a plug. And teh plugs i am finding (like on stock tanks) all empty from the frontside but in the space that would be "buried" by a trench if i did your rock mound approach.I almost want to hook up a hose that i can open up somewhere "downhill" to drain.
Our pen (run) is 16'x32'. Their house is in there. I do not transfer them anywhere. I am reluctant to allow them to free range during the day. Too many dogs roaming around that end up around our farm.



Just finished building our mallard house.
Just about finished with our duck house finally (just in time for winter). We'd kept our ducks and chickens in a greenhouse last winter and this past year, and it's just ....not a great solution for us. I mean, they're pretty much sitting ducks (no pun intended) if any predator ever happened onto our property, so this year we built a 8' x 8' x 4' in the back structure. We have 8 ducks currently, and a rooster and hen. Nice metal roofing so the snow will slide right off, and closer to our house so we won't have to shovel so much snow to get to them :D

We used some recycled barn wood for the door and trim, and we'll be trimming the little duck door with that same wood and possibly a window.

The chickens like the door just fine, and the ducks are great at getting out, but it's been all of 3 days with them in the new shelter, and the ducks are still very averse to going up the little ramp.

Plenty of pine shavings inside and we have a power cord running out there if we need to turn on the heat lamp at all this winter. Any suggestions on things we might be missing?
Hi there! Thanks! I left a 1ft open gap above the windows so the mallards can fly in/out as they please. I ended up covering the plexiglass roof with shingles bc it got a little toasty during the day. Other than that, they seem to like it. I'm putting out first born babies in there today.







Some pics of the inside:
I love your house you built for your ducks, it is so cute, only thing that worries me is the open window, minks, even raccoons could slip into that space with predators where there's a will there's a way and I would be worried about that. Even rats who would probably love a tiny Mallard duckling, just isn't worth the worry to me. Most of us that have kept poultry for a while recommend hardware cloth on all openings. Congrats on your first duckling. another thing you might want to consider is keeping mom and ducklings separate from the rest of the flock . Sometimes ducklings get killed by drakes or ducks even chickens. Just better to be safe than heartbroken.if you can make them a space where everyone can see each other but mom and babes are safe that will go along way in blending everyone when ducklings are older and can hold their own .
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