What feed do you reccommend I get and why?

I am feeding Dumor layer pellets at the moment. I have tried many different feeds from Purina to Sprout. From mash, crumble to pellets which I prefer. I have noticed more powder with the Dumor. What I do is take the powder and mix it with crumble meat maker to up the protien for the winter time. Then mix that with powder milk, oats to give them some extra nutrients and warm water at night. After this batch of Dumor I am going back to the Sprout All Flock as I have never had such problem with molting as I have this year. Also they get carrots, cabbage and mix seed bells. These all get alternated between them twice a week. I have a large old dairy barn that I have 7 coops inside. They get out of their coops for 4 hrs a day on alternating schedules in the middle of the barn where I toss them some oats for them to scratch around for.
The egg labels I like the best say something like, "Vegetarian Free Range Chickens". Hahaha. If those chickens truly free range they are eating anything that moves and doesn't eat them first. :D
I picked up three more bags of Feather Fixer by Nutrena today. I have no trouble with mites, and everyone is looking very well feathered with the cold weather here. It is one dollar more than regular layer feed, and seems well worth it.
my 6 month old lf cochin girls eat nutrena naturewise all flock pellets...when they start laying i'm not sure if i'll switch them to nutrena's layer pellets or if i'll just keep the on the all flock and give them oyster shell. my serama and duccle chicks are still eating nutrena naturewise chick starter/grower non medicated though i am going to give them somm all flock pellets soon and see if they like it and if they doo i may swith them to the all flock pellets and feed them all the all flock.

i love the nutrena feeds because the always smell so good and the chickens love the stuff....i tried som eother stuff once and they didn't like it ate very little of it and so i went back to the nutrena stuff and i have birds that love their food again
I use a locally (Bellingham, WA) produced organic feed called "Scratch and Peck".
My girls go nuts when I spoil them and make a warm cerial from the stuff.
This is not something I do too often!

We get Scratch and Peck at Twisp Feed in Twisp, WA. Our birds love it. It's a bit more expensive than the non-organic, but it's real food. It looks like a mash-crumble-grain mix. We're still getting very dark orange yolks even though there is less for them to forage on and I'm wondering if the feed has something to do with it. Even darker than a local pastured farm we occasionally buy eggs from when ours aren't producing enough. We feed the grower version with a side of crushed oyster or egg shell on the side. They seem to prefer the crushed egg shells.

My wife made a very cool chicken-weight-activated feeder, but the problem is they waste a lot of feed. Our original feeder was a squarish deep drawer from a clothes dresser. It fit one or two chickens at a time, they kicked it all around, but the feed stayed inside the feeder. Very little ended up on the ground. Just have to talk the wife into giving up her very cool feeder

We ferment some of their feed, which they love and does make their poop stink less. We're considering upping to fermenting most of if not all of their food for even more benefit, most of which would be a lower feed bill.
We get Scratch and Peck at Twisp Feed in Twisp, WA. Our birds love it. It's a bit more expensive than the non-organic, but it's real food. It looks like a mash-crumble-grain mix. We're still getting very dark orange yolks even though there is less for them to forage on and I'm wondering if the feed has something to do with it. Even darker than a local pastured farm we occasionally buy eggs from when ours aren't producing enough. We feed the grower version with a side of crushed oyster or egg shell on the side. They seem to prefer the crushed egg shells.

My wife made a very cool chicken-weight-activated feeder, but the problem is they waste a lot of feed. Our original feeder was a squarish deep drawer from a clothes dresser. It fit one or two chickens at a time, they kicked it all around, but the feed stayed inside the feeder. Very little ended up on the ground. Just have to talk the wife into giving up her very cool feeder :rolleyes: ...

We ferment some of their feed, which they love and does make their poop stink less. We're considering upping to fermenting most of if not all of their food for even more benefit, most of which would be a lower feed bill.

Check on you tube for a video on making a feeder out of 4" pipe and a bucket. My daughter made it, and it works really well. I am in Spokane WA by the way!
Check on you tube for a video on making a feeder out of 4" pipe and a bucket. My daughter made it, and it works really well. I am in Spokane WA by the way!

Thanks, I did make a tube feeder in the other run, works well. I'm thinking more and more of going 100% fermented feed, which I'd probably make a weighted trough type feeder for. Easier to dish out and clean and more birds could eat at once. I've heard we can cut our feed bill in half going this route, especially nice with the spendier Scratch n Peck feed.

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