What food scraps can chicken eat???


In the Brooder
Oct 30, 2016
Hi everyone,

I am looking after my new chickens and I have HEAPS of food scraps. I was wondering what they are able to eat? I am going to give them some carrot and zucchini scraps if that is good for them.

If any of you know what food scraps they can eat could you please let me know? It would be really helpful thanks!

Also does any of your chickens like cooked spaghetti mixed with corn and tuna? Thats what the breeder said that my hens liked.

Thanks heaps,

Most things I offer, they either eat it or they don't. Chickens are like people in that some like certain things and others don't. Younger birds won't try things sometimes without adult birds around to show them it's safe. There are tons of threads about safe treats, a quick search should bring up a few lists.
they are hilarious when they eat spaghetti!

Generally speaking almost all food trimming are good for your chickens except for potato peelings. Mine just won't eat them. How much depends on how many birds you have. You MOSTLY want them to eat the layer feed, it is formulated to take care of their needs. Too much scraps can cause them to limit eating of the protein feed, however, animals tend to eat for their needs.

My grandmother, frequently cleaned out the fridge, saying "lets make eggs out of this." Generally speaking I have a dozen birds, give or take. I am a family of 2, with a lot of family coming home on week-ends. Generally speaking, I feed my birds all of the scraps my kitchen makes. However, recently I had a horrible predator hit and only have 3 head left. Yeah, it was dang sad. But one of the worst part is that now I have too much kitchen waste for them to manage. Ugh.

Plan about 1/4-1/2 cup of commercial feed per bird (give or take). When you close them up at night, that should be mostly gone. They will not eat the same amount everyday of the year. I do not keep food out 24/7. I think it draws too many rodents. So I like to have that mostly empty at dark. If there is a lot left over, feed less scraps, if it is bone empty, feed a little more, add a bit of scraps.

Mrs K
Most things I offer, they either eat it or they don't. Chickens are like people in that some like certain things and others don't. Younger birds won't try things sometimes without adult birds around to show them it's safe. There are tons of threads about safe treats, a quick search should bring up a few lists.

Okay thanks! I really hope that they like zucchini though because I have HEAPS of them! hahaha!
they are hilarious when they eat spaghetti!

Generally speaking almost all food trimming are good for your chickens except for potato peelings. Mine just won't eat them. How much depends on how many birds you have. You MOSTLY want them to eat the layer feed, it is formulated to take care of their needs. Too much scraps can cause them to limit eating of the protein feed, however, animals tend to eat for their needs.

My grandmother, frequently cleaned out the fridge, saying "lets make eggs out of this." Generally speaking I have a dozen birds, give or take. I am a family of 2, with a lot of family coming home on week-ends. Generally speaking, I feed my birds all of the scraps my kitchen makes. However, recently I had a horrible predator hit and only have 3 head left. Yeah, it was dang sad. But one of the worst part is that now I have too much kitchen waste for them to manage. Ugh.

Plan about 1/4-1/2 cup of commercial feed per bird (give or take). When you close them up at night, that should be mostly gone. They will not eat the same amount everyday of the year. I do not keep food out 24/7. I think it draws too many rodents. So I like to have that mostly empty at dark. If there is a lot left over, feed less scraps, if it is bone empty, feed a little more, add a bit of scraps.

Mrs K

Yeah they are! hahaha

I'm so sorry about your chickens...

Thanks for everything Mrs K, you are very helpful

Thanks again,


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