What goes into raising a friendly roo?

that was an amazing turn around with the mean main flock protector, he is now my bestest friend as long as I got a fresh mint leaf with me to give him
Interesting observation, though it may very well be coincidence. Out of my 9 14-16 week old boys, the Porcelain d'Uccle has finally turned evil and started attacking me daily, but here's the odd part: he was the one I rarely held as a chick.
All the rest got lots of cuddles.

I'm seeing some subtle changes in my adolescent Lavender Orp rooster. If I enter the pen after I have put their mash down he spins and approaches rapidly. Once he sees it's me he goes back to eating but if there is a dog at the door behind me he'll charge up to it. I never leave when he does it, and once he got the 'warning finger ' to let him know I didn't like it.
I hope he doesn't go sour on me; he's the only rooster I've got to put over these hens!
My 16 week old roo has always loved me. I got 5 day old chicks, supposed to be all ladies and got two roo's. One was obvious and then the other surprised me 3 weeks later (looots of crowing was happening). Well my docile roo that I was going to keep got taken by a fox (along with one of my other ladies I got from a friend, at least he was doing his job I guess). He was "friendly" in the aspect that he didn't mind anyone or anything unless it was bothering one of the girls. The one I have left I was going to get rid of because he liked to peck on me. He has always followed me around, and flown up onto me and wanted to be held. I assume it is because he thinks I'm one of his girls? Anyway, he is protective, which is good, and hasn't pecked me in more than two weeks, but I figured out that he likes being held. I no longer let them "free range" while I am at home for fear of the fox returning, and having just 4 chickens left-three layers (in the future) I don't want to chance it. He goes up into the coop where there is a door with hardware cloth in it and he waits for me. I open the door and he scratches his feet and does a few little squats and that pretty much tells me he wants to be picked up. When he turns away I will pick him up and we walk around the yard and I talk to him and we just have a visit. The last time he pecked at me my coworker told me to hold him down so he knew that was bad, well I did and he hasn't pecked at me since. I'm always aware, he has always followed me around and wanted to be with me when he was out. We will see how it goes. I will love on him as long as he lets me and if I need to rehome him I have another coworker that will take him.
My more docile roo wasn't handled by me much, I would every now and then just so he was okay being with me and around me but for the most part I let him be. My girls are all okay being around us and handled.
The roo I handled more because he was always wanting me to has been a booger some but overall I haven't worried about the safety of my kids. He does like to go peck on my dog but he's smaller than him and always following him around. I figure he sees him as a threat (or even a girl lol) and bugs him off.
I just think that any roo comes with his own programmed attitude like we all do and what we do won't affect the outcome. It's sad though when we have to get rid of our pets.
I have a mix of 3 month old red stars, ee's, silkies, and bym. Right now I only have one roo, a silky named Zohan. He is still young but I hope he is a good boy. So far he is a "real chicken." He runs away from me and is scared of everything. I don't know why. I have always been calm and gentle with him and the girls. I have 4 chicks that are too young to sex yet. There wing pattern says girls but since they are a mix, I am not convinced yet. I'm a chicken newbie and wasn't really sure we wanted a roo. I think as long as Zohan doesn't start getting aggressive with humans or our pullets we will keep him. I think this is a very interesting thread. I'm going to subscribe and follow this thread.
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Interesting observation, though it may very well be coincidence. Out of my 9 14-16 week old boys, the Porcelain d'Uccle has finally turned evil and started attacking me daily, but here's the odd part: he was the one I rarely held as a chick.
All the rest got lots of cuddles.

Your reason why he is attacking is because you spent no real time with him.people say roosters not held,or spoiled are not aggressive,this isn't true.

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