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Whats wrong?

  • Rats

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  • Molting

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Apr 1, 2017
My Wilma is missing several feathers from her head.. Does anyone seem to have any ideas as to what has happened? She wasn't missing any feathers yesterday, we had an issue with rats getting in their coop a few weeks ago (but we believe that to be remedied), she started laying eggs about 4-6 weeks ago for the first time - she's a 7 month old easter egger.. her 5 sisters have been laying eggs since around June/July.. There have been several feathers around their run/in the coop and 3 of the 6 girls have stopped laying - but I'm not sure if she's one of them.. If any one has any ideas as to what is wrong/what i need to do, please do not hesitate to tell me.. I currently have her separated from the rest of the girls, but if there is anything else I need to do, let me know!! Thank you all so much in advance!
Hi, I'm not sure why 3 of your girls would quit laying. Slowing down, yes. But stopping... I don't think so.

Rats are a huge problem and will eat chickens ALIVE! :mad:

Molting wouldn't be normal at that age, but I've seen lot's of not normal things when it comes t chicken keeping. :confused:

That location to me would indicate a rooster mating. Can't see rats pulling head feathers. Pecking order is a definite possibility. But then so could be lice, mites, or some other parasite, or even nutrition.

My first year girls were inconsistent layers. With most who started laying in summer laying every day for weeks on end despite it not being common for their breed. Some would take a day off and follow up with another 3 weeks straight. While one decided she would break for just as long as she was laying. Had nothing to do with daylight and such. Have ya got any hidden nest? What are your breeds? So you are currently getting 3 eggs per day total?

If she isn't being pecked on constantly, I wouldn't have her separated. If she is, then you have your answer... bullying. EE are often lower in the pecking order.
I do not have any roosters... i have one white leghorn, one red sex link, and then 4 easter eggers.. my leghorn is definitely the alpha of the flock and we've had some issues with her being nasty towards the others (i.e pecking at faces/heads) so if pecking order is the issue she's my best bet on being the culprit..

As for the eggs, we get one white (from the leghorn), one brown (from the red sex link), and one green (from any one of my EEs - not sure who)... and I only allow them to free range in the afternoon while I am home to observe them since we have hawks in the area - who have been known to carry off bunnies, small dogs, and squirrels - so I don't trust them being out alone.. so I don't believe there to be a secret nest..

Now that you have pointed out nutrition being a possible factor in the lower production of eggs.. I have noticed recently that we have gone through this last bag of food quite quickly comparatively.. and that could be due to the rats..
As far as sunlight.. that could also be an issue - the past month or so has been VERY rainy and there hasn't been much sunlight - so I've been considering putting in an artificial light in their coop that turns on an hour or so before sunrise..

Last night I also noticed, when i was checking on my girls, there was a bit of what I believe to be rat urine that had dripped down from the top of the coop door, so I will talk to my father and try to get him to investigate and fix whatever needs to be fixed..

If the issue were actually something such as lice, parasites, or mites.. how would I go upon remedying that?

Thank you both so much for your input! You have been a tremendous help!
Hi, I'm not sure why 3 of your girls would quit laying. Slowing down, yes. But stopping... I don't think so.

Rats are a huge problem and will eat chickens ALIVE! :mad:

Molting wouldn't be normal at that age, but I've seen lot's of not normal things when it comes t chicken keeping. :confused:

That location to me would indicate a rooster mating. Can't see rats pulling head feathers. Pecking order is a definite possibility. But then so could be lice, mites, or some other parasite, or even nutrition.

My first year girls were inconsistent layers. With most who started laying in summer laying every day for weeks on end despite it not being common for their breed. Some would take a day off and follow up with another 3 weeks straight. While one decided she would break for just as long as she was laying. Had nothing to do with daylight and such. Have ya got any hidden nest? What are your breeds? So you are currently getting 3 eggs per day total?

If she isn't being pecked on constantly, I wouldn't have her separated. If she is, then you have your answer... bullying. EE are often lower in the pecking order.
could be pecking order cause they peck towards the head i believe. Also the other hens could have stopped laying because of lack of nutrition or their stressed from predators showing up or other reasons

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