What hatchery is best?


11 Years
Jun 15, 2008
I want to order some new chicks and I am not sure which hatchery I should choose. I have ordered from Mcmurray, but seeing as I have too many chickens I dont want to order 25 more.
I have heard some preety bad things about Randall Burkey Company and have also heard that some people who have ordered from Mt. Pleasant have had shipments that ended in death. Also when I looked on Mt. Pleast they did not have the breed of cochin I was looking for.
The birds I am thinking of ordering are the Sultan Bantam and the Birchen Cochin Bantam.

Any suggestions?

Buy from a hatchery that is closest to you and who has your desired breed. Time in transport makes a huge difference. Best to buy where you will pick them up next day from shipping.

There is a thread here somewhere that polls members on where they purchased, how many, losses and satisfaction.

Lots of information.

Do a search.

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