What hens for silkie rooster?


Jul 13, 2023
Pittsburgh county, OK
I have a silkie rooster and want to get him hens that my lavender orp won’t hurt if he mates with them since he is big. So what hens are small enough for a silkie to mount but big enough so a lavender orp doesn’t break its back? (Also he is a blue silkie so advice for breeds that would make pretty babies would be good too)
It goes my 7 1/2 lavender orp rooster, my 6 month old BCM, him a 6 month old silkie roo and then the hens in order of power. The roosters all wait to eat, but he eats first out of the roosters and they all sleep and snuggle together. He doesn’t show aggression to the roosters but when we get new hens he fights them, he just got out of a couple weeks of depression because his best friend a polish hen that has been with him since hatching passed from stress after hurting her leg and too much change. We had a fowl pox breakout and my lavender like 3 hens and him are fully healed so I will need to wait before getting new hens. No other roosters crow except the lavender orp. My BCM has crowed once because he hates my dog and was trying to show dominance. My roosters never fight each other but the orp and BCM don’t like my brother and attack him.
If he's a standard size silkie you can use most breeds of hens. You should figure out what you want the next generation to look like, first. Then determine color, pattern, and texture of the feathers. Do you want them to retain 5 toes and black skin? Just things to plan for then implement it.
How many girls do you have? Three cockerels are a lot. You'll need to have quite a few girls for the silkie boy to have a chance at securing a lady or two
I've started my own project with having my next generation Swedish flower hen roosters with longer tails. I got some quality Phoenix eggs, hatched them this spring. I now have chicks with the cross, so I need to wait for them to grow up then determine if there acceptable.
My orp has 5 hens and my BCM has 3 (two BCMs and an EE)but we’re getting more and the silkie has none.

The females might gravitate towards the other males, especially the boy that has crowed. You mentioned that the silkie cockerel doesn't really act like a male. How many females are you planing on getting?

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