What homesteading projects have you taken on?

I would love to test the method described by John Seymour in his books on how to squeeze the most out of a small farm. he had examples for 1 and 5 acre ones, and included woodland, etc. It is my favorite picture book.

The deal is to grow in small increments. It is expensive to start farming: All the tools you need, the work that needs to be done
And most have a dayjob to go to as well.
We moved in here last September, & have used the smallholding book by John Semour - in fact, it has been a Godsend... so informative!
I've been into a prepper/homesteading lifestyle for a few years. It took years to build things up to a point of usefulness since I was working full time. Now I'm retired and able to focus a bit more on self-sufficiency.
Currently I have a flock of around 30 chickens, 1/4 acre garden, 28 fruit trees (Pawpaws, persimmons, apple, peach, pear, apricot, cherry), blackberries, blueberry, gooseberry, water tank, small solar set-up, generators, wood heat (for emergencies), and a few other things. Oh, I also have a stash of food in mylar bags.
I ordered a greenhouse but the cover kept deteriorating due to U.V. light and ripping apart in the wind. I have collected enough glass panels and windows to build a real greenhouse which will be my next project.
I hunt every year and I have a freezer full of squirrel and deer as well as a few rabbits. Having said all of that... My wife won't eat any of this and still buys food at the grocery! Oh well, It'll be there if ever needed.
My most productive effort, although not traditional self sufficiency, has been writing. I have three books on Kindle and that provides some money that I pour back into my "self-sufficiency" efforts.

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