What I’m I doing wrong when processing my meat birds?

How could you do that i am an chicken expert i have been learning and working with them Chicken loss there nutrition and get muscle pain while laying the eggs why could you do that hens can live 11 to 15 years no animals deserve to lose there after there old or stop laying eggs chicken suffer by laying eggs they feel pain by doing some chicken die because of eggs and you kill them thats so horrible even tho they don't lay eggs dose not mean you can kill them if you want meat chickens by broilers/ cronish cross do NOT use egg chickens they suffer at the end they die why a chicken is a period accept they have more pain as a human also old hens can make great pets in fact if you don't want there many things to do with them than INSTEAD of killing sending them to a sanctuary keeping as pet they are great with killing pest and rats they can be use to brood old hens tend to go broody than young hens

Some people keep chickens purely as pets. This is fine. But my chickens are livestock, which means that they are expected to produce.

Spent layers make the most delicious chicken and dumplings on earth. This is a right and proper part of the cycle of life for a farm animal. If I could not replace spent layers with fresh, young productive birds at an appropriate time I would not keep chickens at all because I would end up feeding and tending dozens and dozens of birds with no return on my investment.

The chickens get a good life as well-kept laying hens and a clean and merciful end when the time comes -- being useful and productive one final time rather than having their carcasses wasted.
I Hope you dont buthcer egg laying hens because egg layers can live long and for taht to lay an eggg it pain they work so hard and lose nutrition because of it you Should keep old hens to ur flock they also make great pets older hens are more nicer and docile than younger hens they also keep the pest down and eat rats and mice a laying hen can live up to 11 to 15 years. Now I can understand if you kill Cornish cross because the have no chance even tho they suffer from it so there is no better. But laying hen a sick hen desserves to surive and tooken to vet ALSO old hens do lay egg 5 year old 8 year old lay egg but not as often there also good with protecting young hens and have more experince with a hen they also tend to go even tho there 8 years old if the do they make great mothers because they have more experience
How could you do that i am an chicken expert i have been learning and working with them Chicken loss there nutrition and get muscle pain while laying the eggs why could you do that hens can live 11 to 15 years no animals deserve to lose there after there old or stop laying eggs chicken suffer by laying eggs they feel pain by doing some chicken die because of eggs and you kill them thats so horrible even tho they don't lay eggs dose not mean you can kill them if you want meat chickens by broilers/ cronish cross do NOT use egg chickens they suffer at the end they die why a chicken is a period accept they have more pain as a human also old hens can make great pets in fact if you don't want there many things to do with them than INSTEAD of killing sending them to a sanctuary keeping as pet they are great with killing pest and rats they can be use to brood old hens tend to go broody than young hens

.never mind.. deleted. :he

I will just say if the killing of chickens for meat disturbs you so much maybe not reading and commenting in the MEAT CHICKEN forum and a post specifically focused on detailed info on the dispatching of chickens.
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if you WANT MEAT egt broiler/ cronishc cross NOT LAYERS

So if I want to raise a chicken for meat, is it better to have it live a good life for 2 months (Cornish Cross), or is it better to have it live a good life for 2 years (laying hen)?

they suffer laying eggs they lose nurtion

If a hen is properly fed, she gets enough of all nutrients each day to equal the egg she lays, so she does NOT suffer from losing nutrition. (And if she is not properly fed, she will die of malnutrition long before the 6+ years that you think she should live.)

chickens actally dont lay as mucnh egg as the we think

:lau Considering that some people can look back on years of exact records of which hen laid an egg on which day, I think they DO know how many eggs their hens lay. Not everyone does that, but some certainly do. (People with pet chickens, people who just like numbers, and people selectively breeding for high egg production.)
Thank you all for your answers and suggestions. Honestly right now I ended paying the friend for the processing. She is so well set up at her place, sink, fresh water, drain, fconcrete floor, sun roof! And the cones and buckets for the processing. Oh yes, also that thing that plucks them automatically! That’s a whiz!
Meanwhile I am saving money to have the same set up at my place. Eventually I hope I will. I know neigbors that would love to process meat chicken and they can use my set up when I am not! For a fee! 🤗. Thank you again all!🙏🤗. Many good ideas to apply!
Thank you all for your answers and suggestions. Honestly right now I ended paying the friend for the processing. She is so well set up at her place, sink, fresh water, drain, fconcrete floor, sun roof! And the cones and buckets for the processing. Oh yes, also that thing that plucks them automatically! That’s a whiz!
Meanwhile I am saving money to have the same set up at my place. Eventually I hope I will. I know neigbors that would love to process meat chicken and they can use my set up when I am not! For a fee! 🤗. Thank you again all!🙏🤗. Many good ideas to apply!
^^^ Great answer. I do all my own, 2-3 birds at a time - and what I give up in time to process has a value of its own. Have you considered "volunteering" your time to her during process, to learn from what she does, how and why she does it?

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