What in the World Happened?


Aug 14, 2018
My Coop
My Coop
I got three eggs from my four year old hen, Peanut. The roo is mentally retarded but was able to sire a healthy baby despite his condition. I added the three eggs to a mini-chick-bator and turned them as usual; however, the eggs had a turning delay of two days due to something that was out of my control. I candled them and saw a mass inside which looked like an embryo; I could not see any blood vessels, but I thought that was fine because the candler was not that strong, and a chick that hatched form it earlier had no blood vessels visible when candled. After almost a month, I threw out the eggs. They did not smell but the "embryos" appeared to be dead. When the eggs were cracked open, the white was runny but the reddish yolk was gelatinous and solid. What could have happened?! Temps and humidity were fine, I'm just at a loss at what could have made the yolks like that. Thank you

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