What is a 30'x7' Uhaul truck used for FINALLY FINISHED AFTER 2 MONTHS

I finally have it DONE! Netting and everything. It looks very nice. Chickens are liking it too. I will get some pictures real soon.
Loving it so far and anxious for more photos. So easy to wash out for that yearly total clean feeling. Cant wait to see the finished project.
Great idea - can't wait for more pictures.
If i had a big box truck like that, i would have taken the box off the truck and put it on the ground. It will get very cold in there this winter being that far off the ground. Too, you wont have to have a set of stair or an elevator to get in side. Put up a mesh wall about 4' inside the overhead door and just lift the door to get inside.

Looks like a cool idea. Looking forward to the additional pics.
I was going to. the thing was I thought I had it all took off. And you know how when things are set out in the weather they get rusted, stuck and just not able to move. SO we cut the bumper off with an acetalene torch, cut off all the brackets, cut all 8 bolts going to the frame and the truck. So we was just up-town. Ok. Well here I come on my neighbors big ole John Deere tractor with a 72'' bucket and just thinking well this will be real easy. Pick up the bed and let the frame drop. Ok. Got the tractor in the field, pushed it up and then started to lift a bit. Nothing. The whole thing. Well i pushed. Still the whole truck. So about 4 and a half hours later and proabably $30 worth of diesel. We said yep shes going like it is. So I drove the truck while he pushed it with the tractor. And it ends up where its at now. So $500 later and some (better be ) happy chickens I am here. Hopefully I will get those pictures soon. Thanks
Sorry about this guys but my camera has been messed up and I have tryed 3 times and it still comes out really blurry and dark. I know its been 5 days but I tryed and I juts can't seem to get the darn thing to work. I hate it when these things make you out a liar!!!!! Very sorry. BUT I will try my best to get some ASAP! Thanks
great reuse FF ... i like it alot i am a 100% reuser so i can appreciate your efforts. The only suggestion i have since u r not using the ramp is to put some hanging waterers in truck and use old ramp underneath so the water does not effect your bedding other than that plant u a nice fruit tree in the middle of the run. Dont worry bout the yard unless the inspecter is giving u poop . lol my yard is an eb & flow of mess / organize, mess/ organize, it is hard to keep up when the property is large. oh one other thing sry lol your corn should be planted a month before your pole beans ... i have had my beans rip my corn right down to the ground... maybe throw around some sunflowers too!!! have a good one FF !

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