What is a resonable price for processing?

I did a bit of research on this after a friend told me it was only $1 per bird... I couldn't find anyone near that price, so I asked him where he got that price.... when he thought about it again he smiled and said "well I guess that was 20 something years ago..."

I think $3.50 to $5.00 is about what I found, often with a 25 or 50 bird minimum, and that was for whole carcass, not piecing them out, etc.
Yeah the place I found is $3.50 flat rate per bird as a whole chicken. It starts adding up if you want it in 1/4 or 1/2.
I have the area to do it myself but I guess I am a wussy lol I have a hard time culling a sick chicken just to put it out of its misery. I do it because its the right thing to do. The quickest way I have found is using my .22 hand gun with a shot to the back of the head. Just something about slicing the neck gives me the heeby jeebies hahaha

I’m not attached to my birds like that. Just a farmer haha.
I have the area to do it myself but I guess I am a wussy lol I have a hard time culling a sick chicken just to put it out of its misery. I do it because its the right thing to do. The quickest way I have found is using my .22 hand gun with a shot to the back of the head. Just something about slicing the neck gives me the heeby jeebies hahaha
yeah I don't like the making them dead process
I started using long handled game loppers.. I put the bird in a cut kitty litter jug for a cone.. didn't have to touch them to do the deed... now I use pipe cutters on the chickens.
Forbidden by whom?? Unless you are in a country other than the US. Nobody can stop you from processing a chicken that you are going to use yourself. That's no different than bringing a live lobster home to cook or cleaning the fish you caught...

Forbidden by city ordinance. The fine starts at $1,000. There's enough nosey neighbors that I won't risk it.

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