what is BOSS

ha ha ha, I'm so glad you asked- I had no idea, I figured it was some high priced supplement that the hardcore chicken fanatics were feeding their show flocks. Turns out I've been feeding my girls BOSS all along!
I just recently fed my chickens boss. They jumped back and gave the black seeds the "stare down" as usual when it comes to anything new. They have only eaten a few seeds each since I've introduced the seeds to them, only because I gave them that many. Right now they crack open the seeds with their beaks and leave the shells. From a clean-up point of view I was sort of hoping they would eat them whole, but chickens are chickens.

My question, who here has chickens that eat BOSS whole (seed and shell) and who has chickens who break open the shells to get to the seed?
Thanks for your info about BOSS! How much is ok to give them each day? Is is best to spread on the ground or put it in the feeder with their feed?
A whole new world has just opened up to me about what to feed my big girls! I'm sure they will love this BOSS. I give them some of the weeds I pull and they go nuts over that, and when I pick a few leaves of chard for them they really go gaga!

Don't want bored chickens!
I planted the big sunflowers in the garden this year. One was the size of a hub cap. Once the flower fell over and drooped for a few days I cut it off and placed it in the run. The pecked at it for a while and then someone actually got a seed out.....two hours later there was not a seed left.

Thanks for asked about BOSS.....I have thought about it and tried to figure out what it was....and now I know too.

Will be picking some up my next trip to town.
Got some for my girls and they could careless about it.
I was hoping they would like it. My chickens are total divas!
I bought some in the shell, and my chickens didn't care for it either. I bought some unshelled, and they love it. How do I get them to figure out that the good stuff is inside the shells?
How to teach them about the good stuff inside? You smash a portion so they see the insides and mix with the whole ones.

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