What is on my chickens comb


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 25, 2012
Black mole type stuff growing on my chickens cone have a couple that have this stuff on them..... What is it??????????????
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Do you mean your chicken's comb on top of the head? A black spot could some times be just a little scab from a random peck from another chicken. If it doesn't go away or if you see more spots appear try to post a photo to get more feedback.

Yes I ment comb.... Anyways here are the pictures of these mole, scabs, not sure..... Only 2 chickens have this on their combs..
Looks to me like another chicken left a good mark from a peck. If it doesn't get bigger or spread I wouldn't worry too much.
Thank you so much that is what it looks like. I thought it might be but still really new to having chickens so I was not sure it is not the wet kind, so I guess I just wait it out.

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