What is she?


In the Brooder
Aug 8, 2015
i have a girl that i was told was a EE when i get her back in march. well she don't look nothing like that. shes around 5 months old, just started laying light brown eggs, same color as my buff orp. and shes bigger then my buff orp. rebel as my daughters call her. heres a few pics of her to help out. thanks

The light brown eggs are fine from an EE. As for looks, EE's vary widely. Most of the ones I've seen have telltale "beards" that flair out to the sides of their faces. Perhaps you have one of the famous BarnYardMix hens?
well shes been laying for about 2 weeks so its every other day i get an egg from her. and she just like a good mutt follows me all over the yard. lol
They make very nice additions to any flock. They tend to be nice chickens without the mean streak some breeds are known to have.
She is very pretty by the way. Her coloring is nice and bright.

I always like the ones that are like a good mutt. I had a Delaware hen that was like that. I named her Miss Lillian Underfoot.
Definitely NOT an ee. EEs will have puff feathers on their side of their heads. Looks like a black sex link to me
she is looks exactly like the pics of them. well thats good lol
thank you all for the help on this.

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