What is stealing my eggs???


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 22, 2011
I'm hoping someone can help me.
First, my coop is surrounded by a chain link run, including a chain link ceiling. It has a hardware cloth apron. I recently noticed that squirrels were entering through the chain link ceiling, jumping down and then running up the ramp of the coop to eat feed. Annoying but I didn't really care.

Then one day I found that my two fake eggs (ceramic- look real) were GONE! HUH? I hadn't realized that squirrels would steal eggs. On that day, I had already collected the real eggs. I covered the chain link roof with a tarp to prevent easy access, understanding that they could still enter through the sides. Now I'm not sure if it's squirrels or something else getting in. There have been many many piles of what appears to be scat of some kind but I have no clue as to what it is. I feel that identifying what this is will help me figure out who the culprit is and thereby block the egg bandit. It has to be something small like a squirrel. No way could a raccoon get through the chain link and this all seems to be happening during the day when no one is home. Here is a picture of the piles. WHAT IS THIS???

I don't think that "scat" is from a snake. Yes a snake could be eating or getting your eggs but snake poo doesn't look like that! That looks a lot like rabbit poo. Maybe it is squirrels! But quite sure it's not snake poo.
Thanks everyone! I hadn't received notification (or I missed it) and never saw your replies! So here's the answer: I believe it was from worms and unrelated to egg theft. The egg theft I am now fairly certain was squirrels!!!! Yes, I know this is unusual, but I never saw any other animal in the run and the squirrels were running rampant, waiting for their delicious buffet. I ended up running chicken wire around the chain link walls and ceiling of the run and VOILA!!! No missing eggs!!!! Here's a picture:

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