What is the age of my light Sussex?


5 Years
I got the Barnevelders at 4wks, six weeks ago, and the light Sussex were from someone else who told me they were 4 wks as well. I wanted them all the same age so I could put them in together, but wasn't able to because the light Sussex were double the size and I have no idea how old they are. I also ended up with two roosters I think.
They look to be about 16-18 weeks old to me.

Thank you, they were in such a mess when I got them it was hard to tell. They were half bald with sores from feather plucking and covered in mud. I was so upset to see them in such bad conditions and being fed bread, that I just handed him the money, grabbed the chickens and left. Then when the barnies arrived just after, they were beautiful, fully feathered, very healthy, but half the size.

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