What is the best bait for a snap rat trap? and for the bucket with water (bait will be skewered on

snap trap users try this.
1. if your fighting large rats put the trap along a wall where they run dragging wiskers along the edge to find their way.

2. most rats prefer meat. use a strip of liver raw. or some kind of long strand steak. just a small slice is enough.

3. use a staple gun if you have to to make the meat stay on the trap. a bread bag tie works great for this too secure on trip levers.

one problem I found was bigger rats will drag off a trap. either screw it down or tie it to a block/brick.
another trick is to direct the rats buy using a length of pipe. they love hiding under cover and you can put the trap in the pipe where they are forced to walk into it.
I have used the poison but unfortunately, it takes time for the poison to work. By the time the rat dies, it's usually in a wall or someplace impossible to reach and the putrid stink can last for a week or more. No Thanks! I'm not particularly fond of setting those sensitive snap traps but they are usually quite effective.
I've had pretty good luck with meal worms! They ripped in the bag so I leave a small pile on a flat surface and place a small live trap over the bait. I've been able to catch 4 this way. I've also picked up 18 Vector M326 snap traps and share with the guy next door (he's got chickens also). He caught the first on within 20 minutes using peanut butter.
Still my favorite is the pellet gun...it's more sporting!

Oh, rats caught live are dispatched in a quick one shot one kill.
Best bait I've found is little Debbie oatmeal cake. The outer part not the cream filling. It's sticky and hard to get off the trigger.
Get a live trap. It is easy and no one dies. Poison kills any animal that eats it and any animal that eats the dead one, owls, dogs, eagles,..
Rats are awesome little guys. Don't kill them. Why is people's first response to animals they don't like is to kill them? They are just trying to live and they were here before you. They rarely carry diseases and are not what the media makes them out to be. If you don't like rats then relocate them. I have raised and released two orphaned babies and also have a dumbo rat. If you took the time to know them you would love them!
Nacho cheese Dorito paste...chew one up slightly or mash it up with a bit of water...enough to make a stiff ball then press it on the bait trigger and set the trap...DANG IT WORKS EVERY TIME!!!
Norway rats and house mice are not native to North America. They came over on ships, with the first Europeans. But, they were not here before us. Our native are the white footed mice, pack rats and other field mice. A couple of rats and mice aren't going to do much harm, the trouble is when they find a steady food source (like chicken feed) they become dozens of rats and mice. They are far from harmless and they do cause problems.
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