What is the best bedding/nesting material?

  • Pine shavings

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Cedar shaving

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Straw

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • Wood chips

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


5 Years
Mar 17, 2019
South of DFW
Whqt is the best bedding/ nesting material for a mixed flock?

I’ve heard cedar shavings are toxic to certain birds but I don’t remember which.

We are using pine shavings, but I was hoping for something a little more ‘rain proof’. We’ve been having bad storms here lately and where we live, it rains like crazy.

The new coops will be a bit more water tight than the one they are in right now, but as another result of the storm, we haven’t been able to work on them lately.
The choice of bedding is an individual one, depending on your individual needs and preferences. I happen to use sand in coop and run. Others swear by pine shavings, etc. The only criteria is that the medium be deep enough to cushion the feet of the chickens as they dismount the perches.

The problem with cedar bedding is that it gives off fumes that irritate chickens' respiratory systems, especially the delicate systems of baby chicks.
I have found straw works great! Part of our coop has welded wire on it and when the wind blows rain can go right in(and it does). To me...the straw will get wet and then when a dryer night comes it drys. Now I am not in any way trying to discourage you from cleaning your coop when it is wet and dirty. I have let it get so wet and not dry and it has molded before...(just something we poultry owners learn from). In my opinion it works great but when my ducks where babies I used pine shavings and they worked...for a while. You know your flock better then we do and can decide what is best. When you do...let us know. What poultry are you planning on keeping?
I have found straw works great! Part of our coop has welded wire on it and when the wind blows rain can go right in(and it does). To me...the straw will get wet and then when a dryer night comes it drys. Now I am not in any way trying to discourage you from cleaning your coop when it is wet and dirty. I have let it get so wet and not dry and it has molded before...(just something we poultry owners learn from). In my opinion it works great but when my ducks where babies I used pine shavings and they worked...for a while. You know your flock better then we do and can decide what is best. When you do...let us know. What poultry are you planning on keeping?

As of right now, we have 5 ducks and 6 chickens. Our neighbor wants some ducks so we’ll probably hatch some for him and maybe keep a few for us. We obviously want more chickens, but we can’t get any right now. :hmm
but I was hoping for something a little more ‘rain proof’.
Yeah, bedding is not going to help with rain proofing.

The new coops will be a bit more water tight than the one they are in right now, but as another result of the storm, we haven’t been able to work on them lately.
Anything you can do to fix the coop they are in now? Post pics and you might get some solutions.

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