What is the breed of my yellow chicks


6 Years
Apr 5, 2013
Hi! I got 3 of these yellow chicks out of the pullet bin at TSC. Also got some brown leghorns and Jersey giants. They are 3 weeks old. The yellow chicks have brown feathers coming in. Any one have an idea what they are? I thought they might be buff orpingtons? I still have so much to learn. I'll be posting pics once my leghorns and giants are older to see if anyone can tell me if they are hens or roos because I have no clue! :)

Do you know what the black ones are? I got mine from TSC and they look exactly like that now. Also the white and tannish look like mine. When babies they were bright yellow orange with orange beak/ feet. I got them out of the Rhode Island Red bin, but not sure the signs were right...
The black ones are Jersey Giants. They look like baby vultures but they grow up to be big and beautiful. My yellow chicks came from the pullet bin and I think they were a mix of RIR, orpingtons, red sex links, and maybe another. Maybe mine are RIR then. It's so much fun watching them and wondering what they are. :) I can't wait to be able to tell the hens from the Roos on my giants and leghorns!

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