What is the difference between black orpingtons and black australorps?

Here are a couple of mine to compare. Alot of hatchery's sell Australorps. And they don't even know what they are sellin.

This is Landrew, he was and Andre a supposed Giant, I bought him from a hatchery. He is an Australorp


Columbo is the Orp, noticeable difference in size and type.

Thanks to all for the great pictures. Speaking of australorp roos, I have one additional question. I bought some australorp chicks in September (totally different group of chickens from the hens I was discussing) from a young man who breed his black australorps that he had purchased from McMurray hatchery. Out of the 7 pullets/roos that I have, 5 or 6 are roos--1 is still yet to be determined. My question is--why do a couple of the roos have a rose comb rather than a single comb? Is that common? They are supposed to be full-blooded black australorps. If I want to breed them, should I breed one of the rose comb roos or one of the single comb roos?

For BamaChicken or whomever, I have a quick buff orpington question--I have 3 pullets/roos that I got from the same young man in September as got my young black australorps from. I cannot see any major differences in them yet. I don't know if I have pullets or cockerels. One is most probably a hen because she basically has no comb--just a smidgeon. The other two have small combs, but they don't appear to be growing roo tail feathers or anything. None of them are crowing, I don't believe. I've never seen any of them crow, let me say. When should I know for sure? They were hatched at the beginning of September, so they are right at 12 weeks old, give or take a little.

If it is a Rose Comb, could be a Black Wyanndot. Go check out pics on some of these breed clubs. They will post the APA Standards for that given variety. That should give you a better idea.
The crowing, is about the bird. I have one Black pullet growing out to keep my two Cochins company, and when I bring the cockerel in for the very cold nites, she will crow. She is a Black Orp pullet. On the other hand I have three 6 mo's ole Buff cockerels. Only one attempts to crow. And is very quiet about doing it.
If you could post photos of your buffs I am sure we can tell you whether they are cockerels or pullets. Some orp cockerels are slow developers and it is hard to tell. Twelve weeks should be sufficient though.
I live in Northwestern Illinois. Our Tractor Supply gets it's chicks from Mt. Healthy Hatchery in Ohio so maybe that's where yours came from. They carry Black Aust but no black orps or wyandottes. I got two different silver laced wyandotte pullets from TSC that had single combs, so maybe your Aust got my rose combs!!!!!!!
I know we've already established that you most likely have Australorps, but I wanted to show you a young Orp pullet- before she's gotten all of her "fluff". Even now- I can tell her apart from my Australorps because she doesn't have as much of a "U" shape. Love that black Orp roo up there!!! Wooo!


eta: that's a cochin behind her, just ignore her
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i realize this thread is 7yo, but thought i would try to ask a Q here:
What would i get if i covered my lavender orpington w/my black australorp rooster? would i get Splits? could i use my Australorp to continue my LO line?
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