What is the ideal humidity for hatching in an incubator?

My first attempt of hatching was humidity 55% day 1-18, then up to 60-65% at lock down. This was following the incubator's instructions.
My 15 eggs were all looking good, but when it came to hatch day, the overwhelming majority displayed a typical outcome for when humidity was too high- large sticky chicks that peeped but could not peck their way out. Most of the them died after a long and sufferable attempt at pecking- it was quite sad. I got 3 healthy chicks in the end- not a brilliant result.

I then called a lady who has lots of experience to ask her opinion. She said the humidity was too high and gave me instructions to aim for humidity between 40-45 % to day 18, and even try to stay in the low 40s. This is what she does, and she hatches rather successfully.

The incubator I have is not expensive, but it is made in China. Perhaps there is a mistake in translation or something- but my main point is that 55% is too high- better aim for around 40%.
I hatch about 300 chicks per season for the last 5 years. I learned that too much humidity is much worse than low humidity. I have my bators in the 'cellar'. Damp area, around 60 percent naturally. Ambient temp around 60F. I DO NOT add any water until the last few days off the turner. If I forget to add the water at the end, I only lose a few chicks. So, your ambient (normal air) humidity is important! If its consistently ove 50 percent and your temp is not too hot no need to add water, just set eggs on the turners and wait for day 18. The exception, on day 10 I remove the infertile eggs. Good luck and have fun learning :)
many thanks I have leant something in your post
but this hatch is on day 17 and my humidity has been 50%
so I am hoping its going to be ok this time but I will try your way
next time as its to late for this batch

my ambient humidity it runs from 43% to 53% as its in the front room
and the temp drops at night I have notices as the temp go up the humidity
goes down . it must dry up the damp in the air

once again many thank for you help
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I've read that the purpose of the humidity control during the first 18 days is to allow for the correct size of the air space at hatching time. I believe that 'ideally' 13% of the weight should be lost due to evaporation. If this is all true, then variations in the humidity during the first 18 days are fine. One just needs to get the weight loss / air space correct by the end. By candling, the air space can be seen.

My first incubation run was reasonably successful, but only because I intervened. I ran with 60% humidity (boosting to 80/90 for the last 3 days) and only 2 of 6 chicks zipped out on their own. Of the 4, one suffocated (was too wet) and I rescued the other 3. My current run is with 45% humidity - I'll raise it if the weight loss is excessive at day 10. I'm using a 200 gram scale with 10mg resolution. With this you can see the evaporation in an egg sitting on the desk after an hour!
Using somewhat lower humidity (40s) for the first 18 days has worked very well. I'm seeing ~100% hatch rates without helping them. At day 18 there are 'large; air spaces and with 10-12% weight loss. However the first 18 days have eggs in paper egg cartons - so possibility the 'local' humidity is a bit higher.

The last few days are in a different incubator with >= 90% humidity. Not sure the 90% is necessary or good (possible mold / bacteria growth?) - its just how my system works. I place the eggs on the back of a 13" ceramic floor tile. I wash the tile before using it and it holds a lot of water that is released over the following few days. When I open the incubator - the humidity drops but quickly recovers to 90%+. Possibility if I cover the tile with paper it'll still buffer, but at a lower humidity....
I've been keeping mine between 50%- 56% and currently at day 5. After reading this though, it seems like people have better hatch rates between 40 and 45%. Should I bring mine down or is it best just to continue for this hatch where ive been keeping it?

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