What is the specific reason roosters are not allowed?


9 Years
Mar 14, 2015
My bantam hen crows. But she lays eggs. Is she technically breaking the law because she crows or is there another reason roosters are banned in most areas?
My bantam hen crows. But she lays eggs. Is she technically breaking the law because she crows or is there another reason roosters are banned in most areas?

Read the regulation for your area. It is usually stated that "roosters" aren't allowed. I've never seen it stated that any chicken that crows isn't allowed. Your crowing hen may fall under a noise regulation if someone tries to press it, though.
My bantam hen crows. But she lays eggs. Is she technically breaking the law because she crows or is there another reason roosters are banned in most areas?


how many people can wake up at 5:15 AM -ish (sunrise) each day ?

it's illegal to continue making noise in the residential areas at any time in this city .. animals or humans

which is why roosters are not allowed

it's a waste of time and resources just having the police to come to the house over and over for noise problem from a rooster..
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Me. I have to open the coop at sunrise so the guineas won't harass my chickens to death. I really need a second coop :(

i didn't put in the door for my coop

the chickens will go in and out on their own.. no need to wake up at 5:15AM to let them out..

just need to clean out their coop/run + refill feeder/waterer each evening after work.
i didn't put in the door for my coop

the chickens will go in and out on their own.. no need to wake up at 5:15AM to let them out..

just need to clean out their coop/run + refill feeder/waterer each evening after work.

I've done that before but it leaves me anxious. There are too many chicken murderers where I live, especially this time of year. I go let them out at 5:30ish then go for a run before it gets too hot. Luckily I am a morning person and "sleeping in" still means getting up before 7.

Right now I am battling a rat living under my run and I really don't want him going in the coop at night, especially with a broody due to hatch out chicks this week.

Sorry to side track the thread, though I think the question has been answered.
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I've done that before but it leaves me anxious. There are too many chicken murderers where I live, especially this time of year. I go let them out at 5:30ish then go for a run before it gets too hot. Luckily I am a morning person and "sleeping in" still means getting up before 7.

Right now I am battling a rat living under my run and I really don't want him going in the coop at night, especially with a broody due to hatch out chicks this week.

Sorry to side track the thread, though I think the question has been answered.

i don't have a lot to worry about when it comes to predators.. my dog and the neighbors' cat might be a problem (or so i thought at first)

i have a movable run.. and nothing under the run beside insects-- the chickens love them

well. no rooster here.. so
Roosters are not allowed here either, though our city is more lenient when it comes to chicken keeping laws than many other places. The other day my son and I were discussing this same question about why roosters are not allowed. While I can understand that many people won't want to hear them crowing at 5 in the morning, I'd rather hear a natural sound like a rooster than an idiot neighbour playing music till 2 am, which is exactly the reason my son and I were having this discussion in the first place - lack of sleep thanks to that, and we live in a pretty nice neighbourhood where one would think people have more consideration for each other (lol, sorry for the rant!). I remember going to the country for the summer as a child. This was in Eastern Europe where many homes had poultry, but were pretty close to neighbours, and hearing roosters in the morning was actually a pleasant childhood memory. Oh well... We just now got a flock of 5 chicks. The store owners said they are all hens, but they can't guarantee it 100%. We are all getting attached to them, and I hope none will turn out to be roosters. It'd be heartbreaking to get rid of any of them.
If roosters just crowed for a few minutes when the sun comes up, it wouldn't be so bad. But they crow ALL DAY LONG. I'll be working outside and listening to my neighbor's rooster crowing all day, well into the afternoon. I've had two of them in the past ten years, and got rid of both of them. Some of them even have bizarre, annoying crows; a friend had one that sounded like it was being strangled by a raccoon. And females usually don't crow, they cackle, usually after they lay an egg -- there's a difference.

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