What is the strangest thing your chickens ate? Mine just ate crawfish Monica and aligator tail

I just went in to my tack room at lunch and there was a mouse in my grain bin, I knocked it out cold and tossed it in the run and my little barred rock was having a hay day with it!
Tarantulas! We would find them around our last home from time to time when we had a fully grown flock so I got curious and threw one in with them. It was as big as my hand! At first they were terrified until one brave hen darted up and gave it a peck. After that everyone flocked and it was devoured! If they seen me looking at one from there on out it was all theirs. They also loved chicken and ice cream!
Tarantulas! We would find them around our last home from time to time when we had a fully grown flock so I got curious and threw one in with them. It was as big as my hand! At first they were terrified until one brave hen darted up and gave it a peck. After that everyone flocked and it was devoured! If they seen me looking at one from there on out it was all theirs. They also loved chicken and ice cream!

Tarantulas! WOW. That is crazy. We have tarantulas here too, but my chickens run from them!
The weirdest thing my chickens ate was fish guts, but they didn't exactly gobble them up. I wouldn't either. And why would you give your chickens CHICKEN!?!?!? That's CANNIBALISM!!!
My boyfriend and I recently moved into a new home in the country that hadn't been well taken care of. The grass was knee high and the yard was no where to be seen. He spent weeks mowing the lawn and the chickens quickly became his new best friend! They would chase the mower for hours going after mice and snakes and whatever it left in its trail! Bring the mower out now and they turn into a bunch of cackling school girls!
I watched mine hunt juvenile mockingbirds for several days a couple of months ago and never thought they'd actually get one, but they did.
We also have a frog eater. Big frogs.
My light sussex caught and ate a mouse once - unfortunately too quick for me to get my camera. They also love everything from salmon heads to beetroot! Basically almost anything, but preferably cooked. Some things that they won't touch raw (courgette/zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower) they will fight over like piranhas once it's cooked!

They have also recently developed a taste for chilli and sweet (bell) pepper seeds - I throw out the central part of the pepper with the seeds on, and they go mad for it!

If I ever give my girls eggs then I cook them first, to avoid giving them a taste for raw eggs and risking a problem in the nest boxes;

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