What is the strangest thing your chickens ate? Mine just ate crawfish Monica and aligator tail

Tarantulas! We would find them around our last home from time to time when we had a fully grown flock so I got curious and threw one in with them. It was as big as my hand! At first they were terrified until one brave hen darted up and gave it a peck. After that everyone flocked and it was devoured! If they seen me looking at one from there on out it was all theirs. They also loved chicken and ice cream!

good, I hate spiders
Mine love any/all pasta! That's not a terribly strange thing for them to eat though.

The strangest thing I've seen them eat was a frog; I saw one of mine unearth a small frog - down the hatch it went. I was grossed-out...and amazed - mostly amazed. LOL!

sometimes I go to pet store and get live crickets, funny seeing them chase them
wow, they wasn't kidding when they say chickens eat anything, I seen them grab a baby snake and 2 of my roo's was pulling it one at the head and one at the tail until it tore into 2
my 4 chickens love nothing more then basmati rice and curry sauce.

always makes me laugh....
my 4 chickens love nothing more then basmati rice and curry sauce.

always makes me laugh....

curry and turmeric is good . when mine eat rice they always come on my lap and wipe their beak on my pants...LOL I guess I am there napkin
A 12+ inch long snake, head first. This was gulped down by one of my buff orpingtons in less than 30 seconds, after the snake was first stunned/immobilized by several pecks to the head.
now that's an idea we always have fish living by the lake

My kids love fishing for bluegill. Most of them die anyways. While I like bluegill fillets I grind many of them up bones guts and all. Figured it was good protien for the bunch of roosters we were raising. Cut down on feed between fish cottage cheese and free ranging. Four pounds dressed at 16weeks for heritage roos.
An injured bat that landed on our patio, but wandered out where the chickens could get to him....

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