What is the strangest thing your chickens ate? Mine just ate crawfish Monica and aligator tail

I caught one of my chickens trying to eat a frog! I thought, she's never going to get that down. Of course, once the other chickens saw that she was trying to eat something, everyone wanted it and the chase was on!
One of my little chicks just tried eating my tongue. Does that count?
My chickens of course have eaten chicken... Sometimes it was even someone they knew. Don't blame me, though--they're the ones that came over while we were butchering and started cleaning up after us. :p

On a more pleasant note, my silkie chick Rosie (who needs a new name now that I know it's a boy) will eat mosquitoes that land on me and devours the squash bugs that all of our other chickens just ignore.

I've seen hens gulp down garden snails whole, and a silkie slurp down a baby garter snake like a noodle. One batch of chicks I had last year loved nothing more than to nibble the aphids off of our wild sunflowers.

One thing I cannot understand and can't seem to break them from doing though is eating styrofoam. Thy found my dad's stash of stored fishing nets which were all wrapped around styrofoam pads, and there's almost nothing left of them! They've also gotten onto the sunporch and gotten into dad's bags of styrofoam that he uses to fill out his flowerpots. If I manage to hide all of our styrofoam out of sight and out of reach, they still manage to find it when it blows into the yard on the Kansas wind. e_e
A light bulb. Well, half of it. Pepparoni pizza, whole thing. I've stopped saying "Don't feed that to the Ladies! It'll make them sick!" Now it's just "Run fast to the compost heap before they see you!"
I've only had my girls for a month now. Inspired by pictures here at BYC, I pulled out some dandelions, and a misplaced horseradish plant GOT to dig that thing out, don't want it spreading into the flower bed...),and the loved the leaves and ate them all. I also just today gave them a mini pumpkin. I cut it in half so they could see the seeds, which vanished in about 3 minutes flat. They've been working on the pulp since then. Give me time, I'll figure out more fun things to throw their way.
Tarantulas! We would find them around our last home from time to time when we had a fully grown flock so I got curious and threw one in with them. It was as big as my hand! At first they were terrified until one brave hen darted up and gave it a peck. After that everyone flocked and it was devoured! If they seen me looking at one from there on out it was all theirs. They also loved chicken and ice cream!

did they get brain freeze ?

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