What is this chicken thinking?

Elvis is spotted just perfectly. What do those other people know? Ah, I think there is a story behind Elvis. You see, I believe when he was in line to be a puppy, he was so delighted with his spots that when other puppies (that were not going to be Dalmatians and who had no spots at all) told him how wonderful his spots were, he gave them one to take with them when they were born. So by the time he was at the front of the line to come into this world he'd given most of his spots away. And that's the way I think.
I do believe he is perfect just the way he is :) I joke with my neices and nephew and tell them Ozzy (elvis liter mate who we also own) stole his spots when they were in their mommys tummy. they get a kick out of it LOL Sorry I know this is getting just a tad off topic ;) Elvis is a special boy. you see Ozzy is deaf and Epileptic. Not only does Elvis act as Ozzys hearing dog he will alert us when Ozzy is about to have a seizure. And will act as his buffer when he comes out of a seizure and runs into stuff and falls down. So that he dont hurt himself he blocks Ozzy from running inot other things such as the walls, stove, etc.
What a wonderful pair of dogs and, and inspirational story of the relationship between them.

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