What is this???? HELP Please with PICS


11 Years
Jan 31, 2008
I just found this on the chest of my 2 year old. She is the one that is in this thread as injured as well. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=47523
What do you think it is or could have caused it???


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hmm to me (I don't knwo much about this stuff) it looks like a hole in the crop that is filled with something really gross
Oh my...I have no idea what that is but wanted to say that I feel for you and hope you find out what it is and what to do...poor thing...man that looks like that is just nasty
I think it is much lower than her crop. Almost under her if she were to sit.

I am at a loss here. I dont even know how to try and clean it out, she wont let me touch it. I had to fight with her to even let me hold her for the picture. I was trying to take the pic while she was on the roost and she kept moving so my 9 year old had to take the pic while I held her.
I had a hen just last week that had a ingrown feather. It didn't look quiet that bad though. I held her on the ground on her back (with help) and pulled the feather out and cleaned her up real good.

In your case it looks like a sore of some sort. Maybe she cut herself and it has gotten full of crud. I would (with help) hold her down and try cleaning it out with saline. and then doctor it real good with neosporin. You may want to put her on a antibotic to keep infection down.

It almost looks like bubblefoot. I know it is not on her foot though.
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I have to agree with Barnyard about the antibiotics. *Something* is in there in the form of infection and I can't help but think your best option is to lance it and get rid of that gross stuff and keep it clean. If it were my bird (I don't know your situation) I'd lance it, get all that 'black' stuff out, iodine it, give her antibiotics and keep her in the cat kennel in the kitchen until it was all healed up and she was ready to go back outside with the others that way I could monitor her eating habits and insure none of the others messed with her.

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