What is this on chicks butt?


In the Brooder
Mar 24, 2015
We purchased 3 of these black baby chicks at a farm supply store last night to add to our flock, when we got home I noticed 2 of them had funny looking butts! Not sure what it is they just look naked on there behinds! Also they came from assorted pullets so we're not sure what kind they are if anyone could help us out :) thanks
Hey there! Welcome to BYC, we're glad you joined us.

Looks like your pullet is growing her butt fluff feathers. When feathers are new and coming in they look kinda funky and are actually in a casing. We call new feathers like those on your pullet "pin feathers."

From what I can tell on the computer she looks like a Black Australorp. :)

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