what is this on my game-cam?

yes,i belive you were the first to try and put my mind at ease.lol
thank you
Hey, no need to apologize! I was just musing about the thread. It has been one of the most interesting ones in recent memory and I certainly learned a lot.

Thanks for uploading the new photos and being persistant and following through. It drives me crazy when a photo gets posted, whether it be breed/sex ID or predator ID and we never get to find out the end result. So I greatly appreciate your thread!

i agree ,we /I learned alot.i like to have endings to a mystery also.i am happy it was a fox,instead of some chukacabra thing.lol
"Hate to open another can of worms but those last few pictures look a lot like a juvenile of one of these:

The ears aren't perky enough, the tail lacks the black stripe(from what I can see) and, assuming this camera is in the same position as the one that photographed the fox a couple entries ago this animal is bigger than a red fox so can't be a grey. This is not to say the original photo wasn't a grey it is just that this one isn't the same animal, it is a coyote.

ETA: Here we go again. :)"

You just don't want this too end !!!!
the camera is in the same area i just swapped trees.i couldn't get good tracks sites wear it was at and it was difficult to check this often.i usually leave the camera for weeks at a time.it is just on the otherside of the hill the "cat" was climbing.from the tree the camera was on and from where the water starts was pretty close,so i think the fox? is much closer.

ellieroo-lol.it doesn't have to end as long as the "cat" doesn't show back up.

if this is a coyote,was it a coyote in the first set of pics or grey fox or cat?

i was hoping this was the animal.my camera is still set anyway.
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A grey fox has black on it's muzzle and black all the way down the top its tail to the tip. A coyote will have only a black nose and a black tip on its tail but not the strip down it. A red fox will show a white tip on its tail and no black. The only problem with this is that they are generalizations depending on the area, time of year and animal's age. Also a grey fox's ear will to come to a sharp triangle whereas the coyote's are more rounded like a German Shepard. It is too bad there is no color to go on because that would be a dead give away. As I said, I think you've gotten pictures of 3 dog-like animals: a grey fox, red fox and coyote but, alas, no cougar.

BTW: Note between the 9/04 4:54:09 and the 4:54:10 photos the animal stretches its neck out and looks like that "cougar" in the first set of photos--that pretty much should put the mountain lion theory to rest.
If it was me I would fence down from the tree on the right to the bushes on the left hang about 3 snares one at 12" loop 12" off the walking surface one @ 8" X 8" and another @ 6" x 6" if you did not catch anything it is a grey I have had to tighten the loops up on mine to 4-5" X 4-5 " to catch them here they will walk clean through A 6" X 6" loop. Anything bothering stock here we do not even have to pull a permit to dispatch it I have caught 16-20 pound coyotes here in the last coupla years I have also caught a coupla 12-14 pound greys the greys track will be a lot rounder then a yotes at some point you will see an X in the yotes print/track the foxes track will only be 1 1/4 - 1 1/2" large a females track will be even smaller 1"- 1 1/4
Ok I'm going to upload cropped pictures of two that I uploaded previously--both were taken with the same camera from the same position--note the red flag. The fox one is enlarged a bit more but note the tail and muzzle of both animals and compare them to the ones in your photos. Note too how slightly differently they carry their tails and the elongated snout on the coyote.



The fox, BTW, is a full grown adult while the coyote is a two-year old male. I have pictures of the coyote's parents and they are larger. Also, keep in mind this is an Eastern Coyote and both of these animals live in the northeast woods where it gets a bit colder than GA so their coats may be a bit thicker--especially the fox's.
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