what is this on my game-cam?

hi guys,
i got one possum on the camera in 2 days.we have had a little rain the last 2 days and now the creek has water once again so i think the animals have more places to choose from to get water.i may toss out some old eggs tonite.
i did hear the neighbors dogs last night too.they have 5 dogs(pack) that come over regularly.i don't want them bothering the wildlife or my chickens.i hate those dogs.i fear them more than any wild animal i have on the place.the neighbor knows i don't like them tho and said she just can't keep them in a pen and there is nothing she can do,but i can

anyway,this is zip.she is a blue heeler.she is 26" long X 16"@shoulder.she weighs around 35lbs.
notice the 3 sweetgum leaves grouped together on the lower right of the picture.the two animals are almost side by side.


here is a picture of my dog Kya.she is a blue heeler.28" long x 18" [email protected] weighs around 40#
i tried to get the same area with the tall plant infront.she is standing right where the animal is walking down the bank.i am a little lower on the camera angle in this picture,more of the plant is showing.


if anyone can do some highlighting,measurements or anything please feel free to share.i don't know how.
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I know you have had many responses.

I live in Oregon and we have had many many run ins with Mt lions, bobcats and coyotes. Also due to the amount of time I have lived out here and trapped we have found several Exotic's that people can't handle and let go into the wild. Depending on what condition they are let go in can determine how they will fare in the wild.

The two things that seem very consistent about the photos are size and it looks healthy based on size proportion and chest depth. In other words it doesn't look emaciated.

Some of the exotics we have shot or trapped have been a cat called the Caracal which is known to be anywhere from 15 to 40 pounds and the body is very similar in shape if not exactly proportioned to a Mt Lion only much much smaller. One feature that is very distinctive about them is the tuffs of hair that that have on the ears but in speaking with the biologists not all of them have prominent tuffs which it’s hard to tell in the photos.

The other ones we have got are an Ocelot and Savahan.

My guess is that it is an exotic that got away or was released. According to the Biologist they won't be aggressive towards humans unless they are sick or very hungry. Something else we found was that some of the cats we caught didn't have front claws.

I didn't have time to read all the posts so I hope this helps and I am not repeating info you already know.
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LOL Someone didn't read the thread methinks.

First I doubt there are mt. lions in VA. Second check the size of that animal's head compared to the body and then look at those OP's photos again. Oh yeah, find the strip down the Mt. lion's tail.
I agree and the area that you are in I would think that it more likely a caracal because I know people in VA that had them and you run into exotics being released when they outgrow their "owners" it's sad really...
This is a really neat thread! I'm learning a lot about game-cams! Being from MI we're not supposed to have any MT Lions, but they're here! I'm not sure what you've got, but the later pics definitely look like fox to me. The earlier ones I'm not sure, they definitely have feline characteristics! But we have red and grey fox here and some times I mistake them for cats at a quick glance. More pics are definitly in order. Love this, hope you learn more, oh and you have pretty dogs!
I agree and the area that you are in I would think that it more likely a caracal because I know people in VA that had them and you run into exotics being released when they outgrow their "owners" it's sad really...

Probably not a caracal because:

1. The tail is wrong for a caracal.
2. It's a grey fox.

LOL Someone didn't read the thread methinks.

First I doubt there are mt. lions in VA.

we just had someone who sent a "picture" of one to the local paper about 6-8 months ago but it was not given the scrutiny that this piccy has gotten the refuge I live near has quiet the population on Bobcats they have been found in town at va beach


Second check the size of that animal's head compared to the body and then look at those OP's photos again. Oh yeah, find the strip down the Mt. lion's tail.

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