What is this turkey thinking

"You think I did what!? No, that couldn't have been me!"

What kind of turkey is that? She's beautiful!

She's a sweetgrass mix, I don't know what though. I sold her last year cause my mom and brother don't like turkeys
Now I wish I kept her and the male that looked like her

Luckily we are moving and I'll have my own area to have all my birds so next year I get to get some more turkeys!
The paranoid turkey is getting more confident, until... he trips and embarrasses himself.

What is his personality like? I'm curious lol, he looks like such a nervous turkey
Hmm...Griffin in a nutshel...
Well, he's very sweet and cuddly. He doesn't go around trying to start fight with the chickens, but if challenged by one of them, he simply steps on them and walks away. He frequently shows off for who he thinks are his hens (The chickens) and struts around gobbling most of the day. Whenever the chickens are freeranging, he stands in the middle of them, watching the sky and standing guard. He thinks he's the king of the world. When he was a baby, he was scared of everything. One of my little bantie roosters used to jump him and he'd run for his life
But now, he's pretty self-confident and thinks he's awesome
Hmm...Griffin in a nutshel...
Well, he's very sweet and cuddly. He doesn't go around trying to start fight with the chickens, but if challenged by one of them, he simply steps on them and walks away. He frequently shows off for who he thinks are his hens (The chickens) and struts around gobbling most of the day. Whenever the chickens are freeranging, he stands in the middle of them, watching the sky and standing guard. He thinks he's the king of the world. When he was a baby, he was scared of everything. One of my little bantie roosters used to jump him and he'd run for his life
But now, he's pretty self-confident and thinks he's awesome


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