what is this

Is it warm and do you have mosquitoes right now where you live? Have you had any fowl pox lately in your flock? Has he been pecked? Any respiratory issues?
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right now I don't think there are any mosquitos. I believe he has been pecked. I don't know if there are any fowl pox. I think he has respiratory issues. also are there any home remedies for this so I can treat him and the other chickens around him?
He may have mycoplasma gallisepticum (also called CRD or chonic respiratory disease) or if he has a bad smell he could have infectious coryza. They are infectious and make carriers of all the chickens. Antibiotics such as the tetracycline drugs, erythromycin (Gallimycin), and Tylan Soluble Powder or Tylan 50 injectable would treat thoses. If it is coryza, sulfa drugs such as Di-Methox or Albon would treat better. Here is a good link to read about those 2 diseases: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ps044
my dad is going to cordrays in the morning to see if they have any antibiotics for him.
He should be able to find Di-Methox, Albon, or Sulmet. Erythromycin and oxytetracycline can also be used. The bumps on the comb may be peck wounds because he is sick and being picked on. Other chickens can sense that one is sick. These diseases can make them carriers from now on.

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