What is wrong w my lead chicken?

I am having a similar problem with my 1 yr old rir, she is eating, not laying for two weeks. She moves slower than normal at times. I saw her sleeping mid day the other day. It’s been in the 80s and 90s here thinking it’s the heat. Following this to see what to do.
Yes this is what I was hoping too but now day 4 and it’s only affecting her. :( please keep me posted if you have any ideas.
Give Corid you can’t go wrong, I had somewhat a similar problem in spring, been very wet, gave Corid, hens are fine now.
Just got corid. Do I give to all or just the sick? And how much? The one that Murdock’s has looks like it’s meant for cows so dose is way off. I goggled but there is 1000 different answers. I have 6 hens and 1 is sick.
Still tending to my sweet girl. Still standing by herself and not acting as part of the heard. I’ve given her wet food w b vitamin crushed up. She is at least coming back outside the coop w the rest of the chickens but just stands lethargic mostly... she has been returning to the coop at night much sooner than the others and sits/lays down in corner... just got some CORID but how much do I give her? Before I bought CORID I was giving her water w pedalite What else might be good to give her to eat? She loves water down hard boiled egg mashed up
I also bought corid posted that question. How much to give. ,

I think you should give her what ever she will eat, getting her nursed back to health is #1.

My hen seems ok now but it is so hot today.
Corid dosage is 10 ml (2 tsp) of the liquid, or 1 1/2 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days. Give it to all your chickens, since it is safe. Stop the B vitamins while on Corid. Cooked egg and wet chicken feed which you can mix Corid water into is good.
When my girls get poopy bottoms I put a little Shaklee Basic H (original) in their water—1/8th cup in their 25 gallon tub. They drink it for three days. (They share water with the geese so we have a big enough tub that the sediment doesn’t make the water icky as fast.) I know it’s weird, but it works like magic. It’s non-toxic so the dosage doesn’t need to be exact. In their 1.5 gallon bucket I give them a tbsp. I give it to the cows, too. No more poopy butts. It can be hard to find, but I think it was worth the trouble.

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