what is your favorite breed of chicken

Pick just one? Would you settle for three?

Dominiques. Our Dominique is a sweetheart, lays eggs like clockwork (6 a week) and she's gorgeous. Everything a chicken should be.

But oh wow, those Polish! And I'll follow that up with Showgirls. (Unfortunately, mine have all turned out to be Showboys, and are going off elsewhere in the very near future, sigh.)
I am all for Brahmas

Black Brahma Bantam Hen

Buff Brahma LF Roo

Buff Brahma LF Roo

Buff Brahma LF Hen

Light Brahma LF Roo and Hen

Light Brahma LF Roos

Light Brahma LF Roo

Light Brahma LF Roo Tail Feathers

Light Brahma LF Roo Hackles

Light Brahma LF Hen
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Hard to say! My Silkies are natured differently than any of my other chickens, but I love them for being so soft and quiet. I have 4 Turken mixes that are just so dang cute, including the rooster! He's not aggressive AT ALL, so I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep him (I live in town). I have 4 blue Orpingtons that lay huge eggs, and they do have a gentle sweet personality. I have one salmon favorelle who is just so quiet. I don't know which ones I like the best though, I love them all!!!

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