What is your LEAST favorite breed? (CLOSED, see the List!)

Yep, yep!!! I totally forgot about the modern game chickens....they are jiust freaky looking! They look alien like with those long legs!!! LOL!!!!
M@M@2four :

And guineas...I know, Marlinchaser, I now am the owner of 6 lovely guineas, thanks to you..but they're starting to grow on me.
They remind me of little old church ladies with too much "rouge" and fake eye lashes. lol And last is cornish chickens.

Bring that silkie on over the kitties need lunch, they dont bother my birds but they wouldnt recognize a silkie as a chicken(they only recognize REAL chickens)
Dont forget to grab at least one of the kittens, and there are 14 more Keets waiting for you.
I clicked the link too

naked necks are confusing to me who gets them and why, not being mean, totaly serious. Like does the lack of feathering help them in warm climates or something?
There really isn't any breeds I don't really like. Though after some thought I would say lower quailty frizzles. The ones that are only part frizz where the feathers on curl upward at the tips.

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