What kind of bug is this?

Hollywood Chickens

10 Years
Mar 12, 2009
It is making this 'nest' on an Orange tree leaf, and is about the size of a bee.


Thank you!
I had a nest on the coop and knocked them down with oven cleaner and then stomped them.A wasp foam spray works well,and shoots far. Anything on hand will work if you saturate them.
red wasp, and red wasps are a beneficial insect. if you don't bother them they won't bother you. They kill and eat harmful insects including black widows, tree destroying caterpillar, and many other insects.

if you are not allergic to wasps, leave them alone. they are protecting your tree from pests
Looks like a paper wasp of some kind? They'll attack if disturbed, which to them could be just a loud noise taken as a threat to their nest. I wouldn't want them in my fruit trees where I'd be around the tree picking fruit and moving branches in the process. If that's what it is they feed on fruit juice, too. They have lots of places to make nests where people aren't moving around right by them.
If they eat caterpillars than they are welcome, I have a ton of those eating the trees! That tree doesn't have a lot of fruit on it, but it is 5 ft from the front door so I hope they rebuild on a different tree.

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