What kind of bug is this?

If they eat caterpillars than they are welcome, I have a ton of those eating the trees! That tree doesn't have a lot of fruit on it, but it is 5 ft from the front door so I hope they rebuild on a different tree.

yeah if you knock down their nest but don't kill them they'll move , likely somewhere nearby.
This is gross and I did not know this about wasps....
Adult paper wasps either drink nectar or catch caterpillars and drink the caterpillar's blood, or hemolymph. Then the adult wasp flies back to the nest and regurgitates (throws up) the nectar or blood into the mouths of young (larval) wasps or other adult wasps. After the young wasps are full, they produce a saliva (or spit) which is fifty times more nutritious than nectar. The adult wasps drink this saliva from the mouths of the young wasps.
some wasps eat stuff that bees eat like pollen and nectar

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_do_wasps_eat#ixzz1LxVGix5w

wasp spray is my friend..... LOL!
Well they were around a lot when the trees flowered ( a ton of bees also) so they are probably after the caterpillars that are eating the leaves.
I haven't found the new nest yet, but I hope that it is further away from the door.

Thank you for all of the info!! I never would have found it Google-ing
I wouldn't ever spray them unless I was in immediate an serious danger, but that is just me.

yes most wasps help pollinate flowers by going after th nectar, drink the juices of fruit mostly rotting fruit or fruit that are broken open, they don't bother undamaged fruit that I have ever seen, and they prey on other insects, especially harmful ones.

I just leave them alone, personally, and I don't use toxic chemicals if i can avoid using them.
I wouldn't ever spray them unless I was in immediate an serious danger, but that is just me.

yes most wasps help pollinate flowers by going after th nectar, drink the juices of fruit mostly rotting fruit or fruit that are broken open, they don't bother undamaged fruit that I have ever seen, and they prey on other insects, especially harmful ones.

I just leave them alone, personally, and I don't use toxic chemicals if i can avoid using them.

I have 4 kids here and my 2 yr. old is allergic to everything it seems. I really don't want wasps hanging around if I can avoid it. I don't go actively looking for them, but they do get in the kids playhouses and the tree house and I have no choice but to spray when they start building nests in there. I don't kill beneficial bugs willy nilly by any stretch. I even relocate golden orb spiders and even the snakes that get into my feed room (they are rat snakes). I have never killed a honey bee on purpose
Honestly the house flies, yellow flies and horse flies are what's making us insane right now. Had a horse fly draw blood on my daughters arm the other day
I love them! I wish my Mom would let me get a hive!
I month ago my 10 ft Lemon tree was covered with blooms and I loved to watch the bees going back and forth withe pollen on their legs.
I love them! I wish my Mom would let me get a hive!
I month ago my 10 ft Lemon tree was covered with blooms and I loved to watch the bees going back and forth withe pollen on their legs.

oh me too! We need them for so many of our yummy produce like apples and peaches. not to mention plenty of bees are a sign of a healthy ecosystem
I wouldn't ever spray them unless I was in immediate an serious danger, but that is just me.

yes most wasps help pollinate flowers by going after th nectar, drink the juices of fruit mostly rotting fruit or fruit that are broken open, they don't bother undamaged fruit that I have ever seen, and they prey on other insects, especially harmful ones.

I just leave them alone, personally, and I don't use toxic chemicals if i can avoid using them.

Its true the pest control part...I was gardening once and found a nasty beetle grub-I promptly threw it on the siewalk to bake in the sun-but before I could toss it in the trash a brown wasp honed in on it, landed, cut off the grub's head and flew away with it. I was in shock, had no idea that was coming. They also do a great job pollenating-just like bees.
You can buy permethrin concentrate at the feed store and mix some up it has directions and very concentrated so very strong. Spray it everywhere like the cracks on your house etc. where you don't want bug/wasp/hornets etc.

It can also be used on most animals dog, horses, goats, swine, and chickens.

All shelters, in your house will kill bed bugs, lice, mange mites, mosquitoes etc. Pretty neat stuff....but potent.

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